Oh No...

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Stampy's pov:
We had a few days left of the holiday and I thought that all the drama was over and we would be able to enjoy the rest of our holiday... Or what was left of it. But I could not be any more wrong.

We were all sitting on the sofas when there was a knock at the door. We all thought it would be some fans. I went to open the door expecting to see screaming kids but instead there were two dogs. I was terrified of dogs that I didn't know. So I slowly backed away and back into the sitting room. Sqaishey asked me what was wrong. I couldn't reply so instead I just pointed to the front door. Squid and Ash jumped up. Squid's arm was only slightly broken but even so I felt terrible to what I had done to my best friend. Squid and Ash slowly walked out the room to the door. I think they thought it was someone dangerous or something. "WHAT??" I heard Squid yell. When he came back in he was holding the dogs collars. "Get them away from me" I said backing away and hiding behind Sqaishey. "These are my dogs" Squid said. I could tell he was angry. He thought we had brought them here to prank him. We promised him we had nothing to do with it and, eventually, he believed us. Once I knew that they were Squid's dogs I relaxed a little and I could fully see them. Their collars were attached with a lead and the had rope tied around their muzzles which Squid was cutting off with a pen knife. The dogs looked scared, which worried me. Ash said that he thought Nicole was supposed to be looking after them. "Yeah she was. So clearly she doesn't care about you Squid. Maybe you should break up with her." Amy said. Squid walked right up to her and said quietly to her "Don't say that. Or anything bad about Nicole. I love her and there is nothing that you can do that will change that." He said it so quietly that it was actually quite scary. Amy started to cry and she ran out of the room and up the stairs. "Oh well done." Said Netty running after Amy. "Urmm, Squid your not going to like this." Ash said breaking the silence.

Squid's pov:
I turned around to see Ash holding a piece of paper. "It was rolled up and stuck in Marley's collar." Ash said handing the paper to me. It was a letter.

I have Nicole. Don't think this is my fault, it's your friends Stampy and Netty. I warned them what would happen if they told someone. Now you have to face the consequences. You will never see Nicole again, unless you come and get her without getting the police involved. I will give you a clue to where I am. Nicole isn't far from home. If you tell the police this or any of what I have said to you, there will be no Nicole left to see.
Keith Garrett

"What did it say?" Stampy asked me. I shook my head and handed him the note. I sat down on the sofa, I couldn't do anything I couldn't think, my senses were all messed up and, worst of all, I couldn't even cry. I was a mess. I vaguely noticed Amy and Netty come back in and I guessed that everyone was telling them what had happened. But something that stood out was Sqaishey saying, "We should call the police." I stood up, walked over to her and, without really knowing what I was doing, pushed her really hard into the wall and walked out. I heard someone come up behind me, so I turned around. To see Stampy about to hit me in the face, I was going to let him. I knew I deserved it. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact. It didn't happen. I slowly opened my eyes to see Amy standing inbetween us with a black eye and Ash pulling Stampy away. Seeing Amy made me come back to my senses. My broken arm was hurting, I realised I pushed Sqaishey with it. Wait a second, I PUSHED SQAISHEY!! I ran past Amy and into the sitting room where Sqaishey was clutching her shoulder. I ran up to her and apologised, luckily she forgave me and it was her fault for suggesting that they should tell the police. Stampy came and apologised to me for trying to attack me and he left to go and apologise to Amy. When Stampy came down he said that he didn't go into her room because he could hear her crying and that I should go and talk to her.

I went into the kitchen to get an ice pack and then went up to her room. When she saw it was me she tried to stop crying. I went over to her and sat down next to her on her bed. Luckily she had a double bed. "I never got the chance to say thank you for taking Stampy's punch for me." I said. "If it makes you feel any better, I used to have a crush on you. Before I fell in love with Nicole." I said putting my arm around her. She turned and looked at me. She looked like she didn't believe me although she did look a little happier. "Friends?" I asked her. "Friends" she agreed. "Close friends" I said. She buried her head into my chest and fell asleep. Although she seemed happier I couldn't help but think that she was keeping something from me. I was too tired to think about it now though, so I fell asleep with my head resting on hers. Only as friends.

Sorry I didn't get this out earlier. I was too tired last night so I started it this morning but I didn't have time to finish it. Also, I CAN'T BELIEVE I AM AT 50 READS ALREADY!!!! I know it doesn't seem that much but it means a lot, I really didn't think this story would get any reads at all! Particular thanks to balisticlonghead as she has been commenting on lots of chapters which has really helped me to get new chapters out as quickly as possible! Thanks Also this chapter was going to be longer but I decided it would be too long so I will try to get the next chapter out tonight too.

The Magic Animal Club Holidayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें