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Stampy's pov:
Over the last week lots had happened: I'd been to prison, four of us had been to hospital and trust had been lost. But now things were looking up. Apart from the awkwardness between Squid and Amy everything was better. However they were willing to put that aside so we could enjoy the rest of the holiday.

I had agreed that Netty could finally go out with Tom and once Tom found out Netty was only pretending to go out with Lee for his safety it probably made him the happiest person ever. Me and Sqaishey were happy as well. And, somehow, (no thanks to Lee) it had got out that Sqampy was real and the whole fandom exploded on social media. And Squid and Nicole were also happy. Or so we thought... Until Lily and Marley appeared at our holiday house door.

So this was only a short chapter as I just had to make things clear about relationships and stuff. Did you like the cliffhanger?? ;) also I know Squid has cats and tarantulas too but for the sake of the story just pretend he only has the dogs.
The next chapter will either be out tomorrow or maybe tonight GMT if I get time.

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