is there something you wanna tell me?

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me and michael spent the night talking about him, he always asked me questions about ruby and robin, but i always managed to swerve them by asking them back. he always replied with "hals! i already told you that!" and laughed. around 6am, ruby came in to tell us to get ready for school and that she had made us pancakes. i got changed first, knowing ill shower when i get home. i went downstairs and let michael borrow some of my tees knowing they'd fit him. 

"halsey, is there something you wanna tell me?" ruby asked me, suspiciously.

"no there isnt, i had a nightmare again. michael woke up and we didnt go back to sleep so we just talked all night."

"so why were you guys both half naked?"

"ruby, have you ever tried to sleep with bottoms on? its uncomfortable."

"true." she laughed and i laughed with her "i dont mind him staying over to be honest, hes a nice guy. hes good for you. i love you halsey, you might not be my real child, but youll always be mine."

"i love you too" i replied.

"morning ladies, ruby, may i say, you look wonderful today." he was good. ruby blushed uncontrollably and murmured something to herself then giggled. "ruby, is it okay if i go and buy some hairdye and then take halsey to mine?" 

"sure michael, bring some clothes as well, so if you stay over, you'll have a spare set. ill do any laundry you leave here." ive never seen this side to ruby before, but i guess its because i never gave her the chance to be like this. she glanced up at the clock, "goodbye you guys, have fun at school."

"fun at school. ha." michael muttered, causing me to laugh. we left my house and walked the short distance to school. i had opted for leggings and yet another band tee, and of course, a hoodie. when we got to school, we went to our usual spot to see everyone there, except bryana - but after yesterday, i never expected her to come back. ashton seemed quiet, but maybe because his fuck buddy wasnt there to eyefuck him. 

the school day was boring, yet again, but why would i expect anything different. after school, me and michael went to the local drug store to buy the hairdye. we spent ages looking for the hairdye so i had to ask the cashier. "excuse me, where is the hairdye?" she had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, like luke, she smiled and her dimples showed. she was shorter than me, i felt like i scared her, but nevertheless, she replied. "aisle 5."

"thank you," i read her name badge "tae." i smiled and then shouted. "see i told you it was aisle 5 michael." 

i walked off to find him and i couldnt. i realized he was playing hide or seek with me. "marco" i called

"polo," he shouted back. "fuck." i saw him hold his head down and walking towards me like a toddler who couldnt get the toy he wanted. "i found the hairdye hals!"

"well done michael, lets pay." i told him. he gave me the boxes to hold while he fished for his wallet in his bag. when we got to the register, he suddenly went quiet. "michael, whats wrong?" the cashier looked up, with a bitter look. "hey tae!"

"you know her hals?" he asked me in a whisper. i nodded and told him i asked her for help earlier. 

"you know her too?" i asked back, using the same tone he used.

"yeah, her and luke hooked up a few times." he whispered back. 

"yeah, and he never called me back." tae piped in. "you guys should work on your whispering skills." she laughed and put the dye in the plastic bags. "that will be 8 dollars." 

"what the hell, it said the bottles were three fifty each!"

"yeah but its 50 cents for the bag and 50 cents because your friend is an asshole" she smiled sarcastically. he gave up and handed her the money. "tell him i need to speak to him. its pretty urgent. you guys go to westside right?" i nodded and she smirked. "i'll see you soon..."

me and michael walked out the drug store and then went to his. we did his hairdye and he looked like a skunk, but it looked good. he picked up a few changes of clothes and some hoodies, as well as a toothbrush and basic toiletries and then went back to mine. 

"dont your parents care where you go?" 

"i live with my mum only, and shes working most the time, so shes only really at home for a few hours a day, none of which im awake for."

"oh, thats sad." i didnt know what to say. i guess his situation was better than my previous one. 

"ruby were home, good night" i ran up the stairs and michael chucked his stuff on the floor by my door. and we both lie on my bed in a comfortable silence and fell asleep.



i cant believe the target was reached so quickly! im gonna make the next target 125 reads and 55+ votes as well as 55+ comments!

kind of a filler chapter,, but tae is now a character in the book, SomeWeirdChik hi tae :)

vote and comment if you like this book!!

ily guys!!


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