youre killing him!

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-Michaels POV-

Its been three hours since ash left with halsey and im fuming. that sick bastard took the love of my life and was behind part of the reason she was raped and more.

"if i ever see that bastard ever again ill kill him." i yelled.

"mikey please chill, remember what she said, she said she'll be okay." tae said, trying to soothe me.

"its all because of HIM!" i threw my phone at the wall and slumped to the floor.

just then ashton walked in the door and i got up and pinned him to the wall and started punching him repeatedly.

"michael for fucks sake stop! youre killing him!" luke shouted.

i stopped punching him and noticed my hands bleeding.

"youre fucking sick. i cant even look at you! you took her back to the people who fucked her entire life up!" i cried, nearly crying myself.

"michael," ashton spluttered. "i had to, i called the police to the address to help her."

"what?" i asked in disbelief.

"i had to take her back, or they'll kill lauren and harry." he coughed blood. "i called the police just before i got here 'angry'. they had me wired so if i didn't go along with it they'll kill lauren and harry."

"so what about the first time?"

"the first time i didnt realize what i was getting myself into, they were my dealers and i was behind in my payments, it was the only way i could make up the payments."

"damn, where is she right now?"

"well i had to take her and her parents to an abandoned basement a few miles out and then i came here straight away."

"lets go!" i said to everyone else and we all got up to go rescue our best friend.


(i hate mid chapter pov changes sorry)

halseys POV

help will come

them three words rung in my head endlessly.

what does he mean?

i need to ask him so many questions about why, ashton doesnt seem like a bad guy.

i had been here three hours and all i could here was a lighter being lit and my mother snorting something.

"let me out! please!" i begged.

"no you bitch," my father yelled. "im not ready for you yet."

"why the fuck do you still want me?!"

"dont you dare use that tone with your father young lady." my mother told me.

"he stopped being my father the moment he laid hands on me and you stopped being my mother the moment you allowed it. you were meant to protect me," i started tearing up. "youre not meant to abuse your own children. no wonder charlie took his own life 2 years ago, you probably did the same thing to him! i'd rather be dead than alive with you two as parents!"

"take that back." my mother threatened.

"i will never."

she dropped the drugs.

"you ungrateful bitch." she slapped my face and then pulled my face down and kneed me. "charlie took his own life because of you. youre the reason this family is a fucking failure."

"yeah because im the one who raped their own children and abused them to the point they'd rather kill themselves than be with you." i spat nastily.

i heard sirens in the background. help will come.

ashton helped me.

my father jumped to me and kicked me whilst i was still down in pain.

"you! fucking! slut!" he screamed.

the sirens stopped and the police kicked down the front door and ran in.

one of the officers ran to my side and spoke into his walkie talkie.

"are you okay? i need an ambulance as soon as possible and a car to take two criminals away."

he held my neck up so i could breathe.

i was fighting air.

"halsey!" i heard a familiar voice. "halsey i love you."


"let me go im her boyfriend!"

"sir, we need to get her in the ambulance, you and two others can go in with her, lets just get her on a stretcher."

i was lifted up and put on a stretcher and i winced in pain.

"i want you to nod and shake your head, can you do that?" i nodded my head slowly. "can you see?" i nodded. "can you hear me clearly?" i nodded. "okay were going to put you in the ambulance, your boyfriend and two girls are joining you for the journey."

i nodded slowly and fell asleep.

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