Chapter 28 Do You Want To Hang Out?........

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"Its like whatever now Jack I'm crazy in love with you and you do this" He said looking at me with his beautiful eyes

"Do what Em"? He said looking at the ground

"Break my heart into a million pieces" He said with tears coming down

"I'm sorry I thought it was the right thing but I guess I was wrong"

"Yeah you were"

"Em I'm sorry" He said walking a foot closer

"Jack" I said walking up to him grabbing his hands in mine as he looked at me


"I love you and I will always love you Jack"

"Em I'm so sorry I miss you to much can we forget that this happened and be together again"?? I looked over at Sam and he nodded his head. I looked back at Gilinsky.

"Umm---" Before I could say my answer Jack stop me

"It's okay if you like Sam and want Sam I understand" he said letting go of my hands but I stop him he looked at me confused.

"Jack I need time to think"

"Yeah of course"

"Thanks lets go" Johnson got the donuts and we all got in the car and went home. We got there about 5 minutes later I unlock the door and ran to the door I opened it and ran I my room the boys know not to bug me when I do that I ran up the stairs and bumped into someone I look up to see Matt..

"Hi sorry" I said looking at the floor.

"It's okay what's wrong Em" He said grabbing my arm

"Just have to think about something that's all" 

"Oh okay do you want to hang out and get your mind over it"?.....

A/N I'm soon sorry for not updating before I started school!! But here you go I hope you Like/Love it plz as always Vote & Comment Loves <3!!! I'll try to update when I can hopefully once every week the more you guys Vote & Comment the more I'll try to update. (:

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