Chapter One

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Hi guys!

Chapter One is a Liam P.O.V., but I'm not sure about the rest of the book yet. What would you guys like? :)

I don't have an editor yet, but I really need one though. Please let me know if you know one or if you edit yourself.

Now, enough author talk.. on to the book. :)


Liam P.O.V.

I'm walking quickly down an almost empty road, somewhere in a suburb of London. It's raining and pitch black outside, so you wouldn't expect a lot of people to be here.

Why I am here? I'm trying to pick up some smell. Well, not just some smell.. the smell of blood.

If I'm thirsty? Hell yes. Even the thought of blood drives me crazy, as if something is burning in the back of my throat. It's something I can't ignore. I need blood.

If someone isn't going to be alive anymore by the end of the night? Probably. But to be honest, I don't really mind anymore. I've been doing this for hundreds of years now and it gets normal after a while. 

I pull up my hoodie and continue walking in the direction of the place where I usually hunt, when suddenly I smell it. Blood.

Damn, it smells so great. I stop walking for a second, a tad bit surprised. Sure, blood always smells nice, but this scent.. it's so much better. I've never smelled something this good before. Hell this is going to be one good meal! 

I grin at the thought, and quickly start running in the direction of the smell, careful not to lose it. 

I'm running at inhuman speed, so it doesn't take long to take track of my delicious smelling victim. It's a boy, aged around 19 I guess. Same age I was when I 'changed'.

Pretty young. Too bad he's not going to make it trough the night. I shrug the thoughts away; not the right time to start getting all sentimental.

I slow down and carefully start walking behind the boy, waiting for the right moment. I swear; not jumping right on him has never been this difficult! The smell of his blood is irresistible, I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to control myself much longer... 

He hasn't noticed me yet. Good, because we don't want to start a scene, do we? 

I continue walking behind him until I see the perfect opportunity in the corner of my eye. I sigh, let's get this over with now.

I speed up and forcefully push the boy into a dark alley, roughly pinning him up against a wall.

"What the..-" He squeals, his voice cracking.

I grin, closing my eyes and inhaling the delicious smell of his blood once more before looking at his face.

Even though it's as dark as can be, I still see his big, blue eyes shining brightly. They're filled with fear, confusion and ... something I can't exactly put my finger on.

His voice takes me out of my thoughts though.

"W-who are y-you?" He asks with a thick Irish accent, his voice cracking and obviously full of fear. I feel guilty for a second.

Wait what? I am definitely not supposed to feel guilty whatsoever, and I don't like it one bit.

I look into his eyes once more, surprised by their beauty once again, and find myself groaning in frustration at my own thoughts. It's probably the thirst getting the best of me. But hey, how could anyone possibly resist a smell so damn good?

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