Chapter Four

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Hellooo :)

I'm not really in the mood for a long authors note, so I'll keep it quick.

Dedicated to BriRenae because she was so sweet to follow me :D

Once again a filler, the action will come soon though.

I'll add a picture / gif later.

You know I'd really appreciate it if you'd vote, comment and give me feedback.


Niall P.O.V.

I made a mistake.

One that is going to cost me my life.

I'm sure Liam will just kill me now since I've ruined everything by starting to get these feelings for him. 

So now I'm here, on the cold floor against a wall in Liam's house, pulling at my hair and cursing in frustration. I'm not sure if I'm crying, but there's a big chance I am. I'm a mess.

I don't know how it's even possible that I started to feel such a strong attraction to Liam in such a short time. I only know that he won't leave my mind and that I enjoy every moment of being with him, even though we've met just a day ago. He came into my life, and I don't want him to go. 

But even though I know it was wrong to start grinding against him, the worst thing is that he rejected me full on. It stings.

How can you blame me, though? He's the one who started grinding on me! What was I supposed to do, then? Well okay, I maybe got carried away in the moment a bit too much, but what would you expect? He looks like a god and I'm sure he also has a nice, soft character, besides the bossy and powerful Liam.

What am I supposed to do now? Wait here, on the ground, until he'll come and kill me? Doesn't sound very good to me.

I could search for him, of course, but what will I do when I've found him? Apologise? But then again, I'm not one hundred percent sure why he suddenly got so freaked out and ran away. The only thing I know is that he muttered 'this is so, so wrong'  before running away, too fast for me to know where he went. 

The word keep repeating in my head. It was wrong. It was a mistake. It wasn't supposed to happen.  At least he thinks so, because to be honest, I liked it to bits. And it wasn't really such a big deal, right? It started as some sort of game, proving me his power or something, and ended up as him pinning me up against the wall very, very hard and me getting turned on and clamping onto him like no tomorrow. Then I lost control for a second and pushed myself against him once or twice, which isn't very weird because he was practically grinding the hell out of me with his wall-pinning stuff. I don't know if it's a vampire thing to do, but I don't mind him doing that kind of stuff to me. I like it.

Too bad it won't happen again, since he's going to kill me as soon as he can. 

I actually feel sad about it now, not so much because I'm very afraid of death but because it'll mean I never get to see, hear or touch Liam again.

 But wait, if I'm going to die anyway, then I'd rather die knowing I did all I could. In this case trying to talk to Liam once more.

I sigh heavily and slowly rub my temples. I´ve got nothing to lose, so why not try? I'm just going to ask him why he ran away and then that'll be that. He'll still kill me, yes, but at least I'll know what I did wrong.

I quickly get up from the ground and confidently walk towards the hall, hoping that it's where Liam went. I think I saw him going in that direction, but it's kinda hard to see when someone's that fast.

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