Chapter Nine

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Hi :)

Sorry for the extremely long wait, because I know i was very long, but I wasn't able to write the past few days... I'm really, really sorry! I'm going to update more often again from now on, it's just that I had quite a busy past few days. Sorry again.

Dedicated to thefifthsecond because she's awesome ;)

More than 1,300 reads and more than 100 votes... that's just incredible! Thank you for all the voting, commenting and reading, and keep going! :D

Also, I´m thinking about writing another (Niam) book besides this one, but I'm not sure yet... I have two ideas, and maybe you could tell me what you'd like? I'm now thinking about

- Or a werewolf story, in which one of them is a werewolf (duh) and they're both still in high school;

- Or a "normal" story, completely written in one POV, in which they are already in One Direction; 

As I said; I'm not sure yet, and I'm really doubting. Would you like it, though? And which one would you like most? ;)

OH, and have you seen the gif? I was really like; AARGGHH YOU GUYS JUST KISS ALREADY, FOR EVERYONE'S SAKE! ;)

Enough boring author talk, on to the story. Enjoy!


Niall P.O.V.

Harry and Louis disappear out of my sight, and that leaves Liam and me alone in front of his house.

To say I'm confused is an understatement. I just don't get it, how is it possible that Harry knows how I feel before I even realise it myself? I admit he kinda helped me sort out my feelings, but it's just so... confusing! Yeah, that makes sense... 

From the corner of my eye, I see Liam staring at me. I look up, only to let our gazes meet and I smile weakly. "So eh... got any plans for today?" 

He furrows his eyebrows, not looking away of course. "Oh, you want to do something, like, go out or...?" 

I softly bite my lower lip, and sigh weakly. I don't want to be pushy or anything, but staying a the house all day gets pretty boring... I didn't mean to make him uncomfortable or anything. He sighs in respond.

"Want to go to the park with me? I mean, just for a walk and maybe you'd like seeing some humans and, you know, get back to civilization for a bit..."  Liam rambles hopefully, while taking a step closer to me. I can't help but smile, before nodding. 

He smiles back, before coming over even more and lifting me in his arms again. "I'll put you down as soon as we reach human territories, okay?" 

I close my eyes, and nuzzle my head in his strong chest. "Right. Just don't forget to let me breath once in a while." 

I hear him grinning, before he starts running at full speed. To my own surprise, I learned to stay calm and breath evenly while he's running. I smile, and I have to admit I kind of enjoy the moment; being carried by probably the sexiest creature alive. Also known as Liam. Ha.

Suddenly, he starts to softly rub my back with his hand, and that causes shivers to run all throughout my body. I still have difficulties with believing it myself, but I think I really am starting to fancy Liam... But hey, you can't blame me! 

The main question spinning through my head, is what to do now. I can't just tell him I fancy him, no, he'd just laugh and then kill me or leave me after all, because there's no chance of him liking me back anyway. I wonder what Harry meant, though... 'Follow your heart.'  Does that mean I just have to run over to him and snog the hell out of him whenever I feel like it? Probably not.

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