Chapter Six

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Hello hello :)

First of all, you guys are awesome! Vampire rating #126 and Fan Fiction rating #577... wow! You have no idea how happy and grateful I am now! :D

I've been working on a scheme with pictures and powers for some other vampires that'll appear later in the book, but I'm not going to post it here because I want you to imagine your own characters, besides 1D of course. You can PM me if you want to see it, though. 

Please keep up the voting and commenting, spread the book and enjoy this chapter! ;D


Niall P.O.V.

I'm pretty excited to meet other vampires, may that be clear. 

Not only because they fascinate me, but also because I wonder whether it's only Liam who has this particular effect on me or whether it's just a vampire thing. 

Liam suddenly stops, so I assume we're at his house. I have to admit I'm pretty proud of myself; I'm starting to get used to his speed and I have less difficulties controlling my breathing now. Yay for me.

I am breathing heavily though, but I think that's due to the fact that I'm starting to get nervous. Really, really nervous. What if Liam was right, and they won't understand? Maybe they'll kill me, and I don't like the idea. Getting killed isn't a nice idea on itself, but getting killed by someone other than Liam is even worse. If anyone gets my blood, I want it to be Liam. 

I shrug the thoughts away, I'm starting to think crazy things again. Let's think positive and assume I'm going to stay alive for a little longer.

"We're here, Niall, open your eyes."  

His low, yet soft voice sounds as perfect as always. I wasn't really aware of the fact that I had closed my eyes again, but I do it all the time when I'm nervous, so it's not a big surprise.

I open my eyes, meeting his deep, chocolate brown ones. I can't help but smile, he looks as good as always. I see the corners of his mouth twitch up for a second as well, but they soon fall down again. He turns his head in the direction of the house, probably looking for signs of the vampires.

We're standing a few metres away from the house, both doubting whether we should do something or not. I decide to wait for Liam to do something, he's the vampire after all.

After a short while, I hear Liam sigh heavily. "Lets go..." 

I nod weakly, before taking another step closer to Liam. He grabs my hand firmly, intertwining our fingers, before walking rather slowly in the direction of the entrance. He opens the door carefully, before stepping inside the house and looking around a bit, to find that there's no one in the living room. 

He sighs and squeezes my hand softly. I look up to see him staring in the direction of a door, and not much later the door opens, revealing three rather handsome lads. Their eyes are focused on me.

Liam clears his throat. "Lads, this is Niall." 

One of them, a lad with a rather tanned skin and dark hair put up in a quiff, now looks up at Liam. He scares me, there's something dark about him. He's absolutely not like Liam.

I notice another one, with curly brown hair and bright green eyes, staring at me with a smile on his face, as if he knows something. He seems rather nice to me, but there's something mysterious about him...

I suddenly remember Liam told me one of them can read human minds. I'm not sure, but I think it's the curly haired one. The way he looks at me... as if he sees right trough my soul. 

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