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My locker door was forcefully closed, and my eyes widened, immediately finding the culprit who closed it. If my eyes could widen anymore, I'm sure they did. It was the girl from the party a few days ago. I didn't know that she knew where my locker was or who I actually was.

"Emily! Heyo!" She chuckled and walked to the other side of me.

Her cheery attitude and happiness was very unusual. I was expecting more of an upset greeting. Hell, I kissed her at a huge party! I'm a sophomore, and I'm lame, and she probably thinks I'm a loser!

"What do you want?"

She gasped but chuckled as well, as if she thought I was joking. Really, I never wanted to see her again. She seemed like a nice person, but there were multiple problems with her. The whole punk thing wasn't my style, she was older than me, and, well, I kissed her.

I opened my locker back up again, and she took a glance inside and looked back at me, a wide smirk on her face.

"I was gonna lie, be nice, and compliment your kissing, but you kinda just hurt my feelings, so I'll be honest and say your kiss was worse than taco Tuesdays."

Geez, if she was being honest, I must really suck. Taco Tuesday is literally the worst lunch at school because the tortillas give everybody diarrhea. The sauces are sour, and the shells are always soggy. Don't even get me started on the meat!

I noticed that Jynx was wearing her classic, black ripped jeans and a black tank top, but she also wore tons of necklaces and bracelets. She had a bit of makeup on, but the most prominent thing was her perfect eyeliner. She looked good today, and her silvery white hair was on fleek, but... Eh, still not a lesbian.

"Gee, thanks." I grabbed two textbooks and placed them on top of my binder as I closed my locker again. I turned away from her to walk to anatomy, but she grabbed my upper arm and held me back.

"I was going to offer help!"

I glared at her, eyes squinted, and growled a bit. She stayed completely still and held onto my arm, staring at my eyes and then my lips.

Was this chick trying to flirt with me?! How pathetic!

"Offer help? For kissing?" I ask and snicker right at her face. My intentions were to play it off cool, not rude, but I don't think she got the hint because she got pretty pissed.

"Look, dude, I'm trying to help. You wanna be a shitty kisser? Fine!"

Then, she started to storm off. I felt pretty bad about laughing at her face, so I pulled her back by the top of her backpack and forced her to face me again.

I gave a half smile. The thought of impressing Hunter was nice, but it just seemed like a bad idea to get kissing lessons from a lesbian and try to kiss a guy.

"I appreciate the offer, but I don't want any rumors spreading."

"Wow, typical."

I made a confused face and hugged my books. I felt two faced. I wanted to take the offer so I could be a better kisser, but the other side of me said that doing lesbian things isn't such a turn on for guys. Well... It kinda is, but that's not the point.

"If you can promise me that things will be secret, and that your services are cheap, I'll consider."

"Cheap? Man, I'll make out with you for free!" She chuckled and let her finger slowly slide down my jaw.

With wide eyes, I took a step back. "But this doesn't mean I'm a lesbo, okay?"

"Say what you gotta say, but for the record, I've turned two girls gay."

She gave a proud smirk and took a step closer to make our distance the same as before. It felt like everyone was staring at me in the halls, even though I knew they weren't. This all freaked me out. Was I really going to agree to make out with a lesbian just so I could impress my crush?

"You think you can turn me gay?"

"Well, you've never really dated someone as far as I know."

She did have a point. I, before high school, promised myself I wouldn't date. There was no point to date at that time because nobody could drive or anything like that. Lucky for me, I'm getting my license quite soon.

"Alright fine, I agree to get make out lessons from you!" I gave up.

If I don't have my dignity, at least I'll have good kissing skills.

"Perfect, I'll see you after school!"

Her bright smile was wide, and the poked my nose with her pointer finger. Then, she looked me up and down, checking me out, before leaving. I blinked a few times and probably blushed really badly. I don't think I've ever been flirted with harder, if I think about it. It was sweet, at least.

Then, after a few seconds, Trisha walked up. We started walking to first hour together since we're in the same class. It's like a tradition that we walk together every morning.

"I saw Mrs. Lesbian chatting with you."

I rolled my eyes and covered my face with my hand for a second. My embarrassment was quite obvious, but it's not like I was trying to hide much from Trisha. She's been my best friend for years. Five, I think. She's been with me through thick and thin, and now she'll be with me through lesbians.

"It's nothing, okay? Yeah, she's a lesbian, but that's it!"

Trisha didn't seem to believe me much. She shrugged it off but continued to give me sly looks. Her eyes said it, and I wanted to shut her up.

After all, it's not like I had a crush on her or anything! Just kissing lessons.

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