All Fired Up

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Jynx's POV

So yeah, I did start dating Elaine. She may be the scariest girl I know, but I need a fuck buddy. Not in the literal sense of that word, no, but I needed someone to keep my mind off of Emily.

I had fallen hard for a straight girl. Do you know how much that sucks? It never works out. They always treat you like an alien after you try to confront them about it. They always reject me, but one time this girl decided to try it out. She used me as her experiment, and it was literally the worst feeling ever.

Elaine was probably not the best choice for crush therapy. She's rude and pretty sexual with me. I mean, I don't mind, but it's sort of hard to work with. She's also too similar to me personality wise, so it's really awkward to be around her. It's like dating a step sister, honestly (which I haven't done yet, but it's a life goal).

After Emily unlocked her front door, we walked inside. I slipped off my white high tops, and she slipped off her combat boots. She got new ones. They're a dark putty green with two flaps at the top. They're pretty cute; I have to admit!

Then, just as I was about to invite myself to her dining table, she grabbed my shoulders and pinned me against the wall.

Oh no, this again...!

My back hit the wall, and her lips immediately attacked mine. It was immediately fire between us, and it was the best I've felt in so long.

Her hands easily kept my shoulders pinned to the wall as her lips lead mine into our dance. I could barely keep up, so I was quite impressed. Her tongue violated my mouth, and I loved it. I let her do her thing, and I let her kiss me with fiery anger.

I placed my hands on her waist, but she quickly grabbed my wrists and pinned them high above my head. She was so aggressive and powerful. She was unstoppable, and I was totally fine with being victimized by her angry kisses.

She let go for a minute, her lips lingering close to mine. Her eyes stared at my lips, but they finally met mine after a while. I was panting softly and letting my mouth hang loose. I thought she'd let go and stop, like always, but then she melted into another sweet kiss.

This was a different type of kiss. She was no longer angry. Her mouth moved with mine instead of forcing it along. Her grip on my wrists grew loose until her hands slipped into mine, our fingers intertwining above my head. This is it. This is what love feels like.

It felt like dancing in the rain. It felt like pumpkin spice in the fall, sweaters in the winter, and getting presents on my birthday, but amplified to the max. It was home but better.

She kissed me softly, tenderly, and warmly. Our hands held together tightly until her grip on that was loose as well. We let go, and my hands wrapped around her neck, and hers on my hips.

She let go with a gentle bite on my bottom lip, just as I showed her. Our bodies pressed together for a moment, and it was like sand paper against me, but in the best way possible.

Her eyes widened when she realized what had happened. I was worried she would awkwardly just let go, and we'd just continue our evening, but she continued holding me. This felt nice since she was leading for once. It was awkward being the short one and having to do that...

"What did I do wrong this time?" I asked, knowing that she did this when she was pissed off at me last time. I meant it as a joke, and I even laughed, but she looked serious.

"You're dating Elaine."

My face went blank immediately. My eyes widened and my skin got pale. I was embarrassed and regretful. As I mentioned earlier, Elaine was nothing more than letting out my huge crush on Emily. It wasn't anything. Not emotional, not physical. I didn't like her much at all, especially with Emily occupying my mind at all times.

I didn't know how to reply. We just had the most perfect moment ever, and she just had to bring up my dirty little secret...

"It's not what you—"

"Oh, really? Then what is it?!" She asked angrily, letting go of me and stomping off into the living room.

She plopped down onto the couch, laying down and taking up all of its's space. I followed and sat down in front of her legs.

She was wearing skinny jeans, but I started petting her legs soothingly. She seemed to relax a bit at my touch, which was relieving. I felt the same when she touched me.

"I'm not attracted to Elaine, if that's what you're thinking," I assure her.

It's true, but I'm not sure if I wanted to tell her the full truth yet. Maybe if I find out how she feels about me...

"Besides, why would you care? We aren't dating. It's not like I'm cheating on you."

"You're cheating on her with me."

"Because I teach you how to kiss?"

She stayed silent for a while, and she was probably thinking. I kept stroking her leg, starting at her hip and going down to her knee. She seemed comfortable with it, which was a pleasant surprise.

"Never mind... I just got angry. It's fine."

I think that was an apology... I leaned over and fell on my side in front of her, into the cuddling position. At first, she laid completely still, but then she slowly wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me close. Our bodies pressed together, and it felt so nice. I loved it.

Then, I felt her fingers run through my hair. I let out a soft sigh of relief, and she continued to hold me. This is what I wanted for the longest time.

Then, I turned around, and we were closely facing each other.

"Besides, it's only cheating if we mean it, right? Did you mean our kiss a little while ago?" I ask, curious as to how she'll answer.

That kiss was intense and loving at the same time, which was the best thing ever. If she meant it then my whole world would change.

She cleared her throat and looked away awkwardly, practically turning away. I could feel my heart sink.


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