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Emily's POV

I sat down at the usual lunch table. I looked around at everyone, and they all noticed my sad look. I'm not sure if Jynx told anyone about what happened, and I hoped she didn't, but it was almost like they all knew.

I ate my Chinese food lunch very slowly. I wasn't that hungry. Guilt and sadness filled my stomach enough already.

Jynx approached the table and sat beside me. As usual, Elaine sat in front of me, and the others sat on the same side as Jynx.

My girlfriend wore a Pierce the Veil hoodie, and she looked adorable in it. Although I never enjoyed alternative or heavy metal before Jynx, I loved Pierce the Veil now. Even if they were stereotypical emo bands, I listened to them for the quality of their music.

Jynx shifted in her seat and whispered into my ear, "How was your mom?" Her calming voice kept me from exploding in anger or sadness, but I couldn't help but feel bitter.

"Horrible. She refuses to talk to me, and I'm pretty sure she'll never let me hang out with you again." My harsh words punctured the air between us, and she looked back over at her food. I continued, "In fact, she probably hates you and me now. Isn't that great?"

Her hands trembled as she attempted to eat, and she kept her head down. The table fell silent.

"The hell just happened?" Elaine spoke abruptly. Her short, wavy hair hung over her face as she stared down at her ex. "If there's drama, I want to know."

I chuckled and dismissed the conversation. My stomach churned with the lament I felt. After finishing my lunch, I dumped my tray on the far side of the lunchroom. My feet carried me over to the table I used to sit at.

My old friends welcomed me, causing me to smile a bit. Trisha wrapped her arm around my shoulders and began rambling on about her life. Her energy made me feel better. I didn't have to talk about my mother or Jynx.

Trisha and I haven't talked in a while. With her own social life and abundance of classes, we only texted and hung out over the weekend. We never caught up on each other's love lives, so she only knew the bare minimum about Jynx. Even after the party, she only knew we were dating. No details were given, and I liked it that way.

Just as the bell rang to end lunch, I felt a large hand on my shoulder. I looked over to see Hunter. His sharp jawline and dreamy eyes immediately shocked me. There was no one I wanted to see less than he.

He sat down beside me, taking Trisha's spot as she left. "Hey, Emily! I had a great time at the party a while ago. You're so fun and cute." His voice soothed me.

I ran my fingers through my thick, brown hair. My eyes glued to his, and I was immediately mesmerized. "Oh, I'm glad you had fun. I had fun too!" My heart was racing. What could he possibly want from me now?

Hunter had a habit of flirting with a lot of girls, but he never flirted with girls like me.

"Perfect! I was wondering if you wanted to grab a bite to eat after school." His wide smirk made it difficult to say no.

I looked over to see Jynx staring at me. She obviously looked sad, but the spite within me ignored it. I turned to face my old crush once more, and I nodded noticeably. Immediately, he chuckled with victory and stood up.

"Great! I'll see you in the parking lot." Before leaving, he waved at me and winked. No part of me didn't shiver with excitement.

Passing time was halfway over. When I looked over to see if Jynx was still watching, I noticed that her seat was empty. Most of the lunchroom had already scampered to classes, but I remained shocked in place. I couldn't believe what just happened to me. Hunter asked me out on a date!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not even sure if it is a date. He's a heartbreaker, and he only stays in relationships with girls he really loves. We barely know anything about each other.

My backpack weighed so much, but I managed to lug it to my next class. I plopped myself into my seat and waited for my teacher to begin lecturing.

As mumbles fogged my thought, I realized I had an interesting choice to make. I could try and work things out with my mother to continue dating Jynx, or I could give up and let Hunter play me like an instrument. I loved Jynx, but the thought of breaking the bond between the last family member I knew broke my heart.

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