Flat Out Fabulous

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A/N: The word "tranny" is used in this chapter (and others) purely because I'm writing in the point of view of two ignorant teenagers. I agree that the term is offensive, but I'm simply writing what Jynx and Emily are saying/thinking. Sorry if I offend anyone!

Jynx's POV

I saw Emily in the lunch line, nearing the end. It was taco Tuesday, sadly, but I always brought my lunch Tuesday's and Wednesday's. Wednesday's were usually pretty bad as well...

When she finished paying for her food, I motioned for her to come at my table. It was a table full of lesbians and others. There were some bisexuals, gay guys, and trannies, but it was mostly lesbians. And it was a lot of people too!

When Emily walked over, she gave a concerned look. She could tell what type of friends I had.

"Yo, Em! Come sit and meet all of my rad friends!"

Emily almost burst out laughing. She had to cover her mouth with her hand. I didn't understand what was so funny, but whatever!

When she sat down and placed her tray on the table, I heard, "Who's this bitch?"

My glare locked on to Elaine. She's the gayest lesbian I've ever met. She's the one I was sitting next to during spin the bottle when I kissed Emily for the first time. She has a pixie cut that's dyed black and often wears black as well. Not always, though. She dresses kind of masculine, but it's nothing too manly. I'd say tomboy. She has a lot more piercings than I and even a tattoo. Her parents are meth heads and let her do whatever she wants, so that's pretty cool. I feel bad for her though. Like, I know my family sucks, but hers is fucked up!

"Oh, it's the straight chick you kissed at Kira's party!" She cheered.

Everyone hollered, but it wasn't as cool as in the movies. It was a simple "OHHHHHHH!"

Emily gently slapped the palm of her hand against her forehead and started eating. She's so cute when she's frustrated.

Actually, she looked really cute today in general. A dark brown sweater with matching combat boots and black leggings as usual. I wore a black tank top and combat boots that matched as well. In fact, we were almost twinning because I wore leggings too! CRAZY, I know!

"J, why is she chillin' with us?"

Elaine was a spoil sport. She was tall and strong, so no one questioned her authority, but she wasn't very inclusive. To sit at this table, you couldn't be straight. The only exception would be if you're trans. Also, no freshman allowed whatsoever. They sit at their own loser table.

"Dude, she's fine!" After I realized how flirtatious I sounded, I blushed a bit and looked over at her. I whispered, "not fine like 'damn!' but fine like 'okay'." I just wanted to clarify.

She blushed and nodded, but at least no one commented on how adorable we were or something.

I cleared my throat and tried not to act awkward. That would draw suspicion towards something that wasn't true. "Anyways, let me introduce you to the gang." I looked around at everyone. I went from left to right across the table. "Lindsay the girly lesbian, her girlfriend Jack the butch, Carlos the gay Latino, Ginger the bisexual, Tim the tranny, his girlfriend Reese the tranny, and Elaine."

Elaine gave an unhappy grunt when her name wasn't attached to a cool label. Still, she seemed to be acting pretty polite for being...herself.

"And what are you?" Emily asked with a smirk.

I blushed a bit. Dude, she's flirting with ME! I mean, it's not like I have a crush on her though...

Well, maybe I do because I was lying when I told her that I liked someone else. I'm not sure who I like. If anyone, I like Elaine, but she's too scary for my taste. And a bit too masculine. I like girls who are obviously girls. I can't say that for Elaine.

"I'm the sexy lesbian with great hair."

I gently bit my bottom lip, my lip ring catching between my front two teeth, and gave her a loving gaze. I wanted to see her blush madly, and she did. Her whole face went red, but she giggled with delight. I still got it!

"Hey, gay girls, I'm trying to eat!" Complained one of the trannies.

I couldn't tell which it was by their voice, because they were both pretty neutral and similar. I can only expect it to be Tim though. He's grouchy pretty often.

Emily laughed, and I tried to nervously laugh along, and then we both start eating again. I ate freely because of my wonderful, packed lunch. A jelly sandwich (because I hate peanut butter and love jelly), Pringles, pretzel chips, and a Caprisun. Emily had to force down her disgusting taco. I felt bad, but it was pretty funny to watch her eat something so foul.

"Hey, you can have my Pringles if you want," I offered, trying to be nice and charming. She seemed delighted by my offer and took my Pringles.

She looked over at me, gave me a cute smile, and then kept eating her food. Maybe I do have a crush on her, but I won't do anything about it unless she does first. I'm tired of rejection and I'm tired of being heartbroken. I'd rather hold all of my feelings in for now.

Lessons [completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora