On Hold

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Emily's POV

The week passed by slowly, but I couldn't complain.

Autumn flipped its switch, and Winter was approaching. Colorful, gorgeous trees shed their leaves, and the seasonal depression hit me. I was never one to fall victim to mental illnesses, but everything happening to me sparked something that refused to die down.

It's only been a week, if that. The weather was kind to us until just recently. Now, I have to wear coats and scarves, and not the cute ones either. I hate this weather, and Jynx abandoning me wasn't helping.

I sat down beside Trisha and sighed. My breath could be visible, turning to harmless smoke as my remaining happiness was sucked from my lungs.

The new term wasn't very fun. Old classes, new teachers, and disgusting peers. At least Trisha was in my math class.

She reached out and held my hand. Her skin felt warm, but it didn't reach to my heart. "How have you been? Any plans for the weekend?" She asked, hoping to mend what broke a few days prior.

I hadn't talked to Jynx since the day she kissed Kira. From what I've heard, which is mostly gossip, Jynx is just "giving me a break". It crushed me to find out that she just gave up like that, but I suppose I'd be mad too.

To be clear, I don't have a crush on Hunter. I did, and he's still on my top ten list, but I love Jynx. I love her so much, and it makes me insanely upset that she just threw me away at a time like this.

"No plans this weekend. Without my girlfriend, all of my plans are just nerd meetings for clubs. All I have is homework."

To make things worse, I asked Elaine and Kira to fill me in on everything.

Kira told me that she specializes in gossip and vengeance, so she apologized for doing her business. I forgave her. Elaine got the scoop on Jynx through Lindsay, and she's "heartbroken" over me.

I wish she'd just talk to me!

I added, "Jynx won't respond to any of my texts or phone calls. I'm beginning to think it's over."

Tears welled in my eyes. I thought my relationship with Jynx would last longer than this. She opened my eyes, showing me how to love and what my sexuality truly is. She opened up the gates that I wanted to lock up forever.

Trisha began rubbing my back, and I began crying into the palms of my hands, which were covered with lavender mittens.

The soft crunch of footsteps, both on the leaves and the inch of snow, approached me. The hand on my back immediately retreated, and I looked up to see the girl herself.


"Save it. I came to have a serious talk. I don't want your apologies," she replied harshly, crossing her arms and sticking out her hip.

Trisha gave me a quick side-hug before sprinting away to safety. Jynx replaced her spot next to me on the concrete wall.

At this point, no one hung around school. On a Friday like this, everyone scrambled home to party or study (depending on what type of high school student you are). We perched alone atop a wall surrounding the school.

I wiped my tears away, turning to face Jynx. Her eyes matched the weather. The powder blue eyes matched the color of the gloomy, somber sky. Still, they warmed my bleeding heart.

"Emily, I love you. I really do, and I know that because it's been almost impossible to stay mad at you. Hanging out with Hunter was totally uncalled for, and we both know that, so why don't we make a deal—a compromise, if you will."

How could she be so serious and straight to the point? My heart was in pieces, and I could barely keep from crying.

After I motioned for her to keep going, too choked up to speak, she continued, "I'll forgive you if you promise to never hang out with Hunter again."

The tears stopped coming, and my heart stopped beating. A sudden chill ran down my spine, and all I could feel was its numbing aftertaste.

I had no business with Hunter anymore. I worked for three years to get his attention, but it wasn't worth it. Giving him up forever would be tough, but anything is worth giving up for Jynx.

It felt dirty and wrong, but I reached out and gave her a hug.

"Okay," I whispered, squeezing her tightly. The warmth from her, especially from the cute trench coat, made me feel better.

She agreed to come home with me. The weekend was here, and we had the house all to ourselves. My first instinct was to innocently ask her for a kissing lesson, but I knew it wasn't appropriate. We hadn't kissed for days, and knowing that she was so fine with it made me upset.

Jynx jumped onto the couch and motioned for me to come over. "I'm sorry I got so mad at you. I've had a few girlfriends cheat on me, so I didn't want to lose you that way."

I sat down beside her. Makeup stained my hands, and I was sure my face wasn't a pretty sight to see. However, I let her say whatever she wanted to. Her heart broke just as mine did. It was my fault, so she deserved to feel the same helplessness and anger I did.

She didn't want me to see Hunter ever again, but I could use a hug from him right about now.

After a minute of silence, I looked up and replied, "It's fine. I know you're hurt—I would be too, but it was just really hard for me to be without you for so long."

"Couldn't have been that bad! You had Hunter, after all."

She laughed, but I clenched my fists with anger. "Are you serious?"

She continued laughing, and anger bubbled within me.

I made a mistake! I understand what I did wrong, and it's really hard to let it go when she won't.

In a fit of rage, I grabbed the back of her head, tenaciously gripping her hair, and yanked her head back. She shut up quickly, and her scared, wary eyes looked up at mine. My hand held her head back with her chin pointing up.

"Fuck you," I growled through my teeth. "Maybe I should keep hanging out with Hunter because he's clearly less of an asshole than you are." I brought myself closer, and our lips lingered an inch between each other. "I said sorry, and you wouldn't forgive me."

My temper simmered to a subtle bother. Defeat and contempt glossed over my eyes, and tears began streaming down my cheeks once again. My grip on her hair loosened once I realized how rough my hair pulling was, but her head rested comfortably in my hand.

She reached a hand up and rested it on my cheek. Her thumb traced circles, wiping away the tears. "I forgive you, Emily. I'm sorry I was such a bitch. We'll talk through it next time."

Her lips moved the extra inch, and she kissed me. The kiss was delicate and affectionate, and it was long overdue. She lead the kiss, as she did when our lessons first started, but I soon kept to her pace. Our movements fit together perfectly, and the dance fell back to its usual state.

We hadn't made out in about a week, and boy did it feel good to get back to it!

She smiled into the kiss and pulled me down onto the couch. We laid on top of each other and continued kissing melodically and slow tempo.

Ten minutes passed by, and we fell asleep. My head rested on her chest, and our arms wrapped around each other. Her heartbeat helped me sleep, and we didn't wake up until my mom came home.

A/N: Yikes, I'm too into the cliffhangers. Sorry!

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