Steady Going

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Emily's POV

"I broke up with Elaine."

I smiled at the thought, even though that sounds dark when you think about it.

I had thought a lot about Jynx during the past week. She plays with my heart, and I know it's unhealthy. She's a player. Who's to say that she's telling the truth? That she really loves me? I trust her, but I have such a fragile heart.

Now that I knew how she felt, and I knew how I felt, I had to let go of Hunter. He was a nice guy, and I was on the next step towards getting him, but Jynx was right. Even though Hunter was my crush for almost three years now, we would never last that long. He wasn't my type. Still, I can't say that she is either.

Then, after a long silence, she gave me a confused look. I gave a confused look back, and she rolled her eyes.

"You're not gonna ask me out?!"

I blushed insanely and pretended like I knew what to do. I didn't. I had never asked anyone out before. I've never even dated anyone properly.

"Right! Well..."

I looked around, noticing that no one was around. She leaned against the rear of her car and raised an eyebrow at me.

I slowly grabbed her left hand and held it with both hands. She looked up at me with a benevolent smile, and I tried to keep my eyes on hers as well. It was usually so easy to get lost in the pools of her eyes, but now it felt almost impossible.

I took a deep breath and pretended like we were alone at my home. "Will you be my girlfriend?" My voice was soft but tense.

She used her free hand to pull my head down, and her lips pressed against mine briefly. When she let go, she nodded a bit. "Of course I will, Em."

I knew she would say yes, but relief flooded through my body anyways. I let go of her hand and gave her a tight hug. I lifted her off the ground a bit, by her hips, and squeezed her as tight as I could. She wriggled around in my grip, but I kept her body against mine. I just loved her tiny little body. It was curvy, yet thin. Even I was jealous of it!

After we hugged it out, she got a slightly sad look.

"Are we going to make it public?"

I wanted to. Maybe not to my mother, but I don't really care if everyone else knows. I'm not supposed to care about Hunter, so it wouldn't matter if he thought I was gay. I'm not, by the way. I had recently decided that I am bisexual.

"Sure, if that's okay with you!"

She smiled again and scrambled into her car. We had planned on going to my house, which was a delightful place to celebrate. We could watch a movie, eat a lot, and cuddle (after doing our homework)! We had to be cautious of my mother still, but we were used to it since day one.

Once we were driving, I had a weird thought in my mind.

"Wait, are you a virgin?"

She looked over with wide eyes. "Yes, the weather is very nice." She was being sarcastic, trying to show how weird my question was.

"I'm serious! You tried to make a move on me earlier, so that means you were okay with it. That means you've done it before."

"God, Em! I'm not going to talk about that! I understand you're curiosity with lesbians, but that's a private subject."

In the back of my mind, I was positive she was joking, and simply embarrassed to talk about it instead of being so defensive. I thought it was a totally normal subject, and I thought it was one that we needed to talk about, considering the fact that we were dating now. I'm young, but never too young for learning.

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