Pretty Please

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We walked out to her car, laughing about how dumb one of the math teachers looked. She seemed to pretend nothing happened, like she was never dating Elaine, and it was completely normal.

"Hey, just wondering, why don't we ever go to your house? We always make out at mine," I asked and watched her unlock the car.

We both got in and got comfy. Seat belt, keys, and we were ready to head out. She turned to look at me, her eyes looking up with freight.

"My house is a disaster. Remember when you brought me home? Did you see inside?"

I thought about it. Beside the pandemonium that seemed to be children screaming, it wasn't that bad. The house was definitely smaller than mine, which must've sucked considering her siblings. I knew she had a few, but she never talked about them.

"Not really... I saw your brother, and I heard screaming."

She nodded. "Good." Then, she looked behind herself and started to drive in reverse to get out of her parking spot. Once she was out on the road, she continued, "My home is a disaster. I wouldn't even call it a joke anymore. I just go there for dinner and naps. I usually sleep over at someone's house on the weekends."

She's never asked to sleep over at my house... I wonder if that's because it would be awkward or if she felt like a burden. Maybe she just didn't think of me that fondly. That option would suck.

"Are you sure you don't wanna hang at your house?"

She shook her head and looked on the road. It didn't take long to drive to my house, and she already knew the way perfectly, but she still looked on the road diligently. I could tell she was gripping the steering wheel tightly, though. Her knuckles were turning white, and her hands were getting a tad veiny.

Never thought I'd be attracted to a girl's veiny arms, but here I am!

"Pretty please?"

She shook her head again, and that shut me up. We got to my house, and she parked in the driveway as always. She looked over, and I did as well. We stared at each other with slight annoyance. I wanted to go to her house, and she wanted exactly the opposite.

"Will we ever hang out at your house?"

"Doubt it. My family sucks. My mom's the crabbiest person alive, my dad left for a slut, my siblings are loud crybabys, and it's probably the smallest house you've ever seen."

"Not the smallest..." I muttered barely audible, but she couldn't hear.

Then, she got out of the car. I got out as well, and we both headed into my house. When we got inside, we did the usual: plop our backpacks onto the dining table to do our homework.

I didn't have much homework today, despite being in tons of honors classes. In fact, I had almost all honors. The only honors I didn't take were dumb required classes.

"Why are you suddenly so curious about my house?" She asked, putting a hand on mine as I did my homework.

I froze and didn't even look over. I had to comprehend the situation before slowly looking over at her face. Such a lovely, beautiful face. I wanted to call it mine, but some other girl already had it.

"I want to know more about your life." That seemed pretty believable, right? It was a lie, though. I wanted to get to know her more, but I wanted to 'meet the family'. Like, I dunno... I want to see how her family reacts to us. I just want to see, in general.

It sounds trashy, but I'm also curious about her living situation because she's much less wealthy than I am.

Then, she bit her lip and scooted her chair forward so she was holding the top of my hand and leaning in close to my face. I nervously watched her. This is the weirdest I've felt in a long time.

I let her squeeze my hand and lean forward until her lips grazed against my ear. I was still completely frozen, and I just looked over at her hand on mine. Her black nails were done excellently, at least!

"You want to get to know me?" She whispered into my ear, letting her lips touch my ears whenever they needed to.

This was too much for me. Teasing a straight girl like this was just madness! I mean, could I really be feeling this? Did I really want to make out with her until my lips burned?

I wasn't sure about much else besides kissing, but I think I'm attracted to her. I don't know how or why I'm attracted to her, especially since I've never imagined being attracted to girl 'parts', but it's happening.

She continued, "Then get to know me..."

She grabbed the top of my hand and lead my palm to her thigh, resting my entire hand right near the top of her leg. She was warm and calm. I must've been shaking or something.

I finally looked over and noticed the look in her eyes. I knew that look. I got it from creepy, old guys. I didn't know how to respond. I wanted this, but I couldn't. Not here, and not now.

I quickly retreated my hand and looked back at my homework. I stubbornly continued to do this one math problem. I worked so quickly that I did almost 10 problems in a few minutes. That's pretty good for me, considering I'm a slow and accurate homework 'doer'.

"Huh... A girl asks to come over to your house, and she throws a fit when you say no, but the moment you bring up sex she falls a bit silent."

I knew it! I knew that's what that look was! I mean, I'm not happy about it, but at least I'm right. Actually, I felt very anxious and unsure. I was so ignorant and tiny compared to her knowledge. She would be great, and I would fall short.

Wait, why am I even thinking about this?

"We are NOT talking about that in this household!!!" I shouted nervously and started to put my homework away.

She pulled me away from my things by the hips and hugged me, comforting me. I looked at her, noticing the understanding look on her face. I'm sure she was joking about what freaked me out earlier, but I'm glad she was so chill about it.

"Can we talk about it at my house?" She asked in an unsure tone.

My eyes brightened, and I looked at her with astonishment. Still, I must've looked super confused.

She added, "pretty please?"

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