Chapter 8

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-Jenns P.O.V-

We've been driving around for a while now and words can't explain how beautiful LA is but, it's actually been a really fun car ride. Everybody is just getting along and making jokes, singing out the songs that come on the radio, and making tons of jokes. I feel like I've known these people forever when in reality, I've only known them for like a day and a half. "GUYS WHO WANTS TO GET SOME FROZEN YOGURT" Sam shouts, "ME" I'm the first one to agree and then the rest do except for Ricky, "Rickyyyyy don't you want some?" I ask him sorta teasing him, "nahhh I'm still kinda full by the Panera we ate earlier" He answeres focusing on the road. "AHHHH" Andrea screams and literally freakes everyone out especially Ricky that he kinda lost control so he parked in the nearest parking lot. "Andrea what the hell is wrong with you" Ricky says out of breath and actually we are just in shock. scariest moment I've had so far. "I can't believe you guys had Panera without us" she said with a pouty face, everyones reaction after she said that was priceless since we thought she was screaming about something serious. Ricky leans his head on the seat and says "so you almost killed us cause Panera" "Well yaa I love Panera and you guys know it, so it's heart breaking that you guys got some without me" She says looking down but I could tell she wanted to laugh. I couldn't take anything serious at this point so I bursted out laughing, everyone soon joined, even Ricky.

-Andreas P.O.V-

I obviously was joking around about the Panera thing but the thought of me almost killing everybody in a car accident makes my stomach feel a little quizy. "Hey you ok?" Kian asked while kissing my forehead, I just nodded and kissed his cheek, "ew get a room you two" Jenn said pretending she was barfing, I pinched her. "OUCH" She yellped then smacked Kian on the arm which caused him to slap Jc which caused Jc to slap Sam and well I think you get the idea of how things ended up.

-Jcs P.O.V-

We finally made it to a frozen yogurt place which I was thankful for, for two reasons:

1|I could get out this car since everyone was just smacking each other and that was painful

2|I've been craving frozen yogurt for like ever!

-still Jcs P.O.V-

As we got out the car Andrea stopped all of us before we got in and told us to pose for a picture, we took like a million and finally headed inside. I was getting my last flavor, strawberry, and I noticed Jenn was behind me to get some to so I started to slow down to mess with her. that didn't go well. "Jc o my god please hurry upppp" She said whining, "Jenn stop rushing me" I said with a playing attitude and with that I saw her hand on the lever, this is not gonna go well, "Jenn please let go of the lever I will leave already I promise" I said slowly in surrender. She did the opposite, she pulled the lever hard and a ton came pouring down and some even spilled on me cause of how it squirted out. We backed away, Jenn had a 'whoops kind of face' I started laughing while she went to get napkins, we sat down with everyone else and ate.

|At the pier|-Jenns P.O.V-

Jc was laughing at me every time I tried to skate on the penny board I just bought at this shop on the pier. Andrea got one too except she knew how to ride which was no fair, she was ahead with all the other guys except for Jc cause he stayed with me, falling behind as I tried riding this which was a complete fail! "Jc please help meeeeee" I whine pouting at him so he could help me, "fine" he said while laughing, I hopped on my penny board with one leg on the ground. He put his arms on my waist and I was low-key freaking out I even felt a little bit of heat rush to my cheeks. "ok start pushing it and i'll walk along while you ride, then once you kinda got it I'm gonna let go" he told me still holding on to me, I started going suddenly feeling confidence, I kept going a little faster each time and he was now running as he was holding on to me. I guess he noticed that I was confident enough for him to let go and that's exactly what he did. "Jc I'm doing it!" I shouted as I kept going, I turned around and noticed he started riding his behind me and as soon as I turned back, I felt unsteady and well basically flew off my pennyboard. I probably had like a million scrapes under my tights rn. "I think we should stop riding for today" he said chuckling as he helped me up. " I agree, I'm just gonna walk now" I said but he stopped me, "Hop on my back and i'll give you a piggy back ride as we catch up to everybody else" he told me, I hopped on his back while he was carrying the penny boards with one hand and holding me with another, I felt like I was gonna fall but, I was really enjoying this.


I got a little bit of feels in the last paragraph jndjwinwjndwi!!!

Thanks for reading!


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