Chapter 14

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-Jenns P.O.V-\\Thursday//10 am\\

I already woke up and got dressed early(outfit on top)since I was just so excited for today I couldn't really sleep, I was now in the kitchen dancing around barefooted to music while picking up my bowl of cereal to put it on the table when everything went wrong, "Jenn watch it" Kian said as I bumped into him, "WAA" I screamed as the bowl flew out my hand, a huge boom went through the apartment as the bowl of cereal fell and broke on the ground, "Jenn oh my god" Andrea said running into the kitchen, I was out of breath and scared, "Kian since when were you here, you scared me!" I said my eyes getting watery since I was suddenly feeling a burning sensation on my foot, "AGhhhhhh my foot burnssss" I said noticing the huge cut on my foot, I guess some of the glass broke on my foot, "Kian get her to her bed" Andrea said as Kian carried me to my bed, "do you guys have a big bandage and medical alcohol?" he asked, "No we need to go buy some" Andrea told him freaking out, "owww it BURNSSS!" I said basically on the edge of tears. "Andrea call Jc and tell him to come with medical alcohol and a bandage wrap" he told her passing her his phone. Oh and 'Bad Blood' started playing by Taylor Swift , perfect timing.

-Jcs P.O.V-

"Jc your phone is ringing" Connor said handing me my phone just as my video finished uploading for today, "Hello" I said answering, "JC HURRY UP AND GET TO THE APARTMENT WITH MEDICAL ALCOHOL AND A BANDAGE WRAP" Andrea said freaking out, I panicked and ran to the bathroom without hesitation and grabbed the stuff, " Andrea what happened?!" I said shouting, "JC JUST HURRY UP PLEASE" she said as I hear Jenn crying in the background, oh nononono, I speeded out of the the driveway and headed to Jenn and Andreas apartment as fast and well as safely I could.

-Andreas P.O.V-

"Jenn it's ok Jc is on his way" I said rubbing her back, Kian went to pick up the mess that happened in the kitchen, "Andrea it really burns" she said sniffling and clutching my arm pretty tightly, "ik Jenn, just take deep breathes and don't look at it, i'll be right back, I'm gonna help Kian in the Kitchen real quick" I told her since it sounded like Kian was making the mess worse, she nodded and got a pillow to squeeze. As I got in the kitchen Kian had just finished and we both heard loud banging on the door, I rushed to open and Jc sprinted into the apartment, "GUYS WHAT HAPPENED WHERE IS JENN" he said freaking out, "she's in her room" Kian said and we all went to Jenns room and saw her there, her face was red, and tears were streaming down her face, "oh my gawd Jenn what happened, it's fine, it's fine" Jc said running over to her and wrapping her tightly in his arms, omg I can't handle this wodnchqcecdsqw this is freaken adorable, "Kian hurry up" I shouted as he got the medical alcohol and put it on her cut, "OUCH it stings!" she yelled as she squished mine and Jcs arm, "It's gonna cool down right now Jenn but you have to stay calm" Kian said while wrapping the bandage on the cut. Doctery Kian turns me on, just saying.

-Jcs P.O.V-

"All done" Kian said smiling as everyone hugged Jenn and squished her tightly, "guyssss get off now" she said sniffling but giggling a little, "how did this even happen" I asked everybody with concern in my voice, "Well I was in the kitchen dancing to some music and I was getting my cereal to take it to the table and then I bumped into someone and it was Kian and it scared me cause I didn't know Kian was here so I jumped up a little but my plate like fell out my hands and I guess some of it broke on my foot" she said with a small smile, "I'm sorryyyyy Jennnnn" Kian said with guilt in his eyes, "it's ok but, how did you get in here" she said giving him a hug. I didn't even notice Kian wasn't at the house, he looked at Andrea, " I invited Kian after Jenn and I made some cookies to sleepover with me" she said blushing, "couples these days" Jenn scoffed laughing going out the room, I followed her while leaving Andrea and Kian kissing as alwayssss, "see ya love birds" and with that I spot Jenn on the couch I'm guessing tweeting since I got a notification from twitter that was from Jenn that said "was about to enjoy some cereal until the lovely Kian magically appeared in front of me" I laughed out loud and she looked at me also laughing. I ran to the couch and jumped on her, I couldn't control what I was doing at all, "Jenn you're such a dork" I told her as she laughed, " my dork" I said and she just stared at me, I'm getting so irritated by myself, what the hell is wrong with me, we heard a camera thing go off and Jenn pushed me off the couch and laughed but helped me up, "Jc they took a picture of us" she whispered, right when we were gonna go look for them, both of our phones lit up, Jenn gasped at the picture Kian posted and I read the caption out loud '#jcpenny', soon enough our comments were going crazy about this. "KIANDREA WE ARE GONNA GET YOU BACK SOON" Jenn shouted limping to the couch, I picked her up off guard and and set her on the couch, on my lap, I don't know what I was doing so don't ask, "Did I mention how beautiful you look today" I told her speechless as what just came out my mouth, "thank you Jc, you don't look bad yourself" she giggled. I set her off my lap to be face to face with her, "Jenn do you maybe wanna go on a date when your foot gets better?" I ask her with hope in my eyes, "of course I will" she answered while wrapping her hands around my neck.
Hey guys it's the author just letting you know that their outfits for that day is on the top! hope you guys enjoyed

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