plummet as i sing ↠ chapter i

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i am a subpar writer, but i will try my best for the good citizens of wattpad.

alright, here we go. thanks for reading. <3


the brown-haired boy leaned over the bridge's steely railing, his stomach a mix of knots and peace. the august air's warmth swirled around him in a weird sort of unease, at once trying to comfort him and irritate him with the sudden chill he felt within himself. fireflies gathered as if they were lighting up the path on the fall down.

his head pounded. he bit his lip. he climbed over the railing, his vans-clad feet only a few inches away from the concrete's edge. below, water pulsated gently, almost calling out to him. he breathed in gasoline-tinted, smoke-adorned air.

he was cold. but in that moment, no one could hear.

he dangled one foot tentatively over the edge, his migraine growing, the voice
screaming out to him; go, go. his other foot began moving itself, and--

"wait!" the boy's lungs suddenly stopped taking in air, his neck burned. looking behind, he saw a boy holding him by the hood of his sweater.

blue hair. brown eyes. warm.

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