a/n: 100 READS YALL

602 42 13

i started drown august 8th literally two days ago and we're at a little over 100 reads and 20+ votes!!! yesyes i know there are a lot of stories with like thousands of reads but im v insecure about my writing and am crying bc more than one person vaguely likes something that i, a piece of band trash, put out omg

also gonna take this opportunity to say that if you need someone to talk to about anything im here. i have depression and self-harm issues so i kinda understand mental illness and what it's like. and i don't bite i just l o v e helping people pls don't ever feel alone even if im just an internet stranger ok

(next chapter sometime tomorrow maybe if not def wednesday if u want it)

*edits bc the reads jumped up by 30 and i got like 10 more votes over the course of an hour*

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