entertain my faith ↠ chapter xi

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a/n: im fucking back (maybe idk man)



josh looks over at tyler, peacefully sleeping. but he can't ignore the deep gashes in his arm, the thoughts of tyler tearing himself apart. josh can't help but wonder: is he asleep, or dead?

nonetheless, it's nice to see tyler happy. he cracks a smile as he pulls into the hospital lot.

josh gets out of the car and opens the passenger door, lifting tyler and cradling him in his arms. it isn't like he's ever thought of tyler as being a particularly huge person, but as he holds him, he can't help but notice how small tyler looks; how vulnerable.

he runs into the building as quickly as he can, the quiet becoming violent as he realizes the situation: tyler is fucking dying, and it's my fault my fault m y fault myfaultfaultfault

the paramedics run over, seeing the tears beginning to well up in josh's eyes and the unresponsive tyler he holds. they whisper, "it's okay, sir," as they put him on a gurney and wheel him away. one stays behind to ask him for information.

"sir, what's your name?"
"joshua william dun."
"the patient's name?"

josh's breath hitches.

"t-tyler ... robert ... joseph," he says, trying to hold back the tears.
"do you know what happened?"
"he--he cut himself. he tried to kill himself," and it's because of me, josh thinks. the tears don't stay back this time.
"sir, please ... calm down."
"please," josh chokes, "save him. save, save, save him--i--" he screams, his lungs deflating unexpectedly--
"i love him."
"we'll do our best, sir."

josh sinks into a plastic chair, his chest burning. he's tried his best, and all that he can.

and that's all i can be.


i'll stay awake /
cause the dark's not taking prisoners tonight.

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