Chapter 11 - The Not-So-Fun Fair

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A.N. Guys, I am SUPER sorry for not updating for like 3 whole months! :( But to be fair I have been super busy (I literally just moved countries...and had like exams and everything...) BUT NO EXCUSES I AM SUPER DUPER SORRY! And OMG so I was reading my story back just so I could pick up where I left off and there are some parts that I really don't like :'( as in they don't really make much sense... Alsoooo... you guys should all totally check out Chloepav99 she has a boss Joe fan fic soo...... ya. Totally recommend it. :)


Caspar and Louise waved goodbye as they got into a taxi to go home. Louise was already saying how she missed Darcy so much. I can't believe it. It feels like only yesterday when she was uploading Baby Glitter Q and A's, now Darcy is 11 years old! Caspar still had a YouTube channel, so he went home to film a video for uploading next week.

I waved back from the upstairs window, then ran back into my room, grabbed a black leather crossbody, then rushed downstairs. It was almost time for us to leave to go to the fair, we wanted to get there early to avoid any crowds.

"You ready for the fair? I'm so excited! I haven't been must have been back in 2014 when Alfie and I went with Nala!" Zoe said as she got wrapped up by Alfie's arms as he pulled her into a hug. Just then, Joe came down the stairs. His eyes were faced downwards to the floor, and his usual happy cheery smile had simply vanished. He walked straight passed me, avoiding eye contact, then grasped his car keys and slumped over to the front door. Zalfie where still having their cute little moment over in the corner, and obviously I wouldn't want to ruin that, so I just hobbled along behind Joe.

The trip from Joe's huge house to the fair was about a 15 minute drive, with Zoe, Alfie, and myself singing along to the songs on Zoe's playlist, while Joe silently sat in the drivers seat. We arrived at the fair and a swarm of teenagers suddenly crowded around us. I bent down to the height of one of the girls and asked her how she knew we'd be here, and she said that Zoe had sent out a tweet. So much for privacy.

Soon, Zalfie had vanished, so I was left to potter around the fair with a completely disconnected Joe. We stopped for a snack, and I sat down on a park bench bearing a large pink fairy floss (or candy floss or whatever you call it where you live :D). Joe sat down opposite, but looked off over my shoulder.

"Aren't you having fun?" I suddenly blurted out, instantly regretting it when his cold glare landed on my face. There was an awkward pause of silence for a few seconds before he opened his mouth to speak for the first time since this morning.

"Could have been better" he responded.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I shot back, sounding more bitter than I intended. His piercing blue eyes had a look of anger and hurt as soon as I spoke. He looked at me as if staring straight through my head, then got up and walked off.

I was left sitting all alone on the park bench. Every now and then, small groups of fans approached me asking for photos and autographs, to which I happily gave, but something inside of me made me feel like I was the reason why Joe was having this sudden mood swing.

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