Chapter 12 - It's not me, it's you!

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AN: OMG GUYS BUT JANYA JUST GOT MARRIED EEEEE!!! Anyways again, super sorry for not updating...I've been really busy, but I'm super sorry!

...woah, when I started writing this chapter, Janya had just gotten married...
BUT NOW I PROMISE TO UPDATE MORE OFTEN!!! ugh I feel so bad for not updating...

And... WE HIT 9000 VIEWS!!! THIS IS SO EXCITING!! I love you guys so much, again I'm super sorry for not updating but I've been crazy busy with exams and whatnot.


After about an hour of sitting on the bench, eating cotton candy and nibbling on some of the best hot chips I've ever had, a familiar figure approaches me. It's Joe.
Not long after, I spot Zalfie wondering through the crowd and they sit down opposite me on the bench.

"Hey! Did you enjoy the fair?" Zoe asks cheerfully as she grasps a large plush unicorn.

"Yeah, it was awesome!" I lied, forcing a fake smile with my lips as I lick my sticky fingers. "And you?"

"Alfie won the balloon popping! He got me a free unicorn!" Zoe replied, as she cuddled up to Alfie's chest. Alfie looked down on her as she looked up and their eyes met. It was so cute.

"Awww that's adorable" I say, trying to sound as interested as possible. My mind is on other things than fluffy pink unicorns right now, sorry Zoe.

"We should go home now" Joe interrupted. I turned my attention to him as he leaned over the table, no emotion on his face.

"We're having so much fun ,though!" Zoe cut in, hugging the pink and purple unicorn.

"We're going home." Joe said a bit louder. You could hear the anger in his voice, and the stern look on his face only made me feel even more guilty for something I didn't do.

He stood up, and stormed off through the crowds. We got to the parking lot. Joe was driving, and Zoe and Alfie were sitting in the back. I opened the car door to sit in the navigator's seat, but Joe glared at me. It made me feel uncomfortable, so I closed the door and hopped into the back seat next to Zoe.

After the drive, we arrived back at Joe's house.

Joe threw the keys onto the kitchen counter, and Zoe and Alfie skipped upstairs to their bedroom. I was left in the kitchen, alone with Joe. There was tension between us, a tension that had never been there in the few days that I'd known him.

"What's going on with you?" I blurted. Once again, I was regretting speaking at all. Curse my big mouth.

"No. What's going on with YOU?" Joe spoke for the first time in ages, a sour look spread across his face.

"Why did you invite them? What were you thinking? I invited you, and you only. I didn't want them to come. But no, you just HAD to bring them along" He spat.

"Joe, what's gotten into you...?" I whispered.

"Just, go." He said, throwing my sweater which had been sitting on the counter into my chest.

Just yesterday we were laughing and having fun, but now the hurt filled up my heart and the pain of rejection for an unknown reason caused my stomach to flip inside of me.

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