Chapter 13 - Best Friends For Never

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AN: Yay another update! I felt kinda bad for not updating in ages so I'm gonna post another chapter again! I know that these chapters are probably all really bad because I don't really like parts of the story, but I'm trying to flow with it so that the storyline works haha


Joe's words of hurt remained in my head for hours and hours. I clutched the fluffy sweater and ran up the crisp white stairs. Throwing all of my belongings into my bag, I quietly reorganised the spare room. I wasn't intending on coming back for a little stay any time soon.

I heaved the bag down the stairs, and without saying goodbye to Zoe, Alfie, or definitely not Joe, I ran from his house.

15 minutes had passed, and I continued to slump through the streets. I didn't really know where I was going, so I just wandered around trying to spot familiar things like street signs or cafés. Eventually, I became exhausted. A Starbucks stood on the corner of a small street, and I hobbled towards it. This was the first Starbucks that I had seen since the airport. I entered, and sat down at the further most isolated table in the café. There weren't many people in the café, which was strange because Starbucks' are always busy and filled to the brim with people. I'd lost my appetite when Joe angrily confronted me earlier today, so I just sat there, trying to recover from my adventure through the town.

I glared at the glowing screen of my phone. 4 new messages from Joe. What could he possibly want? I ignored them, and shoved the phone into the front pocket of my bag.

I lifted my elbows onto the table, and rested my head in the palms of my hands. I rubbed my eyes, and combed through my hair with my fingers.

"Uh...excuse me?" I heard a quiet voice.

"Are you okay?" This person continued to talk. It annoyed me that someone was interrupting my thoughts, but I was curious to know who would do such a thing. I looked up, and standing in front of me was a guy, no taller than Joe, with messed up brown hair and freckles spread across his cheeks.

"Can I help you?" I replied bitterly.

"Sorry... I'm just tired..." I quickly said. "I'm Lulu" I added.

"I'm Chris" The guy replied.

I signalled for him to sit down on the chair opposite me, and he understood and parked himself upon the seat.

"So what's up?" He then asked.

I tilted my head up and raised my eyebrows at him.

"Dude, we just met" I chuckled.

"And I think we'll be great friends" I heard him whisper under his breath. A small smile grew across my face.

I inhaled deeply, then sighed loudly.

"I don't know," I said. "I don't know what's up. One minute I'm friends with him, the next minute he hates me and wants me gone from his life." I continued.

"Him?" Chris asked.

"Oh, um, yeah. This guy I know, I was hanging out with him. He asked me to go to the fair with him, and then I invited 2 other people. He got angry at me and told me to leave..." I trailed off.

"Maybe he only wanted you to go? Maybe he saw something in you and wanted an excuse to take you on a date? The fair seems like a pretty chill way to sneakily invite someone out." Chris continued.

We continued to talk for around half an hour, and exchanged contact details before I got a phone call.

My phone buzzed in my bag, and I grasped it from the pocket. Joe popped up on the called ID.

"Sorry, I have to take this call" I said to Chris, who gave me a helpless smile then returned to drinking his refresher.

"Hello, Joe?" I picked up the phone.

"Lulu I need to talk to y-"

"Don't." I cut him off.

"I don't know what's going on between us, but whatever it is, I don't care" I continued.

"Lulu, it's not like that..." He spoke quieter.

"Isn't it? Because last time we talked, you said you didn't want anything to do with me. Thanks for being a great friend" I spat, rich with sarcasm.

I slammed the phone down onto the table and let Joe continue to talk. The sound of his voice faintly chirped through the phone, and I tried not to listen to all the things he was saying. Tears began to well up in my eyes, but I blinked them away in refusal of crying.

"I didn't want to be your friend. I wanted to be something m-" I hung up the call. I shoved the phone back into my bag, and stared at the ground thinking about what I had just heard and what I had just done.

Maybe Chris was right. Joe had asked me out on a date.

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