Chapter 15 - It All Came Crashing Down

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A/N: WOWOWOOWOWOWOWWWW OKAY WHERE DO I BEGIN I AM SOOOO SORRY GUYS first of all, thank you all SOOO much for being loyal readers, and 27k views OMG <3 <3 <3 Also....... I am literally so sorry for not updating, like I know i said I wasn't gonna update often but then I almost completely forgot about it until like just now and i really wanna make everyone happy and update because it's the only thing that will take my mind off everything. I also really wanna let you guys know me a bit better, if you don't wanna read any of this you can skip straight to the chapter (I WOULD RECOMMEND DOING THAT LIKE I'm rereading the chapter before i post it and i srsly think u should skip this if u rly don't care about my personal life lol) but idk i thought maybe idk lol okay so i'm not gonna tell you my name, so lets call me Lulu, but I turned 16 in january and I'm from England. I have an older brother and an older sister and my parents are divorced. I don't want everyone feeling bad for me or thinking I'm just coming up with excuses and trying to make you feel sorry and that's why i wasn't updating but I'm just gonna explain a bit that's happened in my life over the past year. So first I moved  to Antigua in Central America and I'm in England for a holiday right now. Over on Antigua there was a really cute guy who I had a huge crush on. He was a bit of a player, so I didn't like the fact that I liked him but I just couldn't help it. He acted different with me. He didn't overly flirt with me, and he would never EVER flirt with another girl in front of me. It was like he really liked me. It confused me so much because I knew he was a player, he was so conceited and flirtatious with everyone until one day he started acting different around me. We started to get a lot more flirty with each other; he would wink at me as he entered his classes, we would play footsie under the tables in physics, and he'd always find ways to touch me (not inappropriately but like tickling me and hugging me heaps). I thought he was just trying to hit on me like he did with every other girl but then one of his closest friends told me that he really did like me. I pushed him away, because I'd been hurt in a relationship with a guy like him before. One day I realised that I really liked him. He was different now. He didn't flirt with anyone but me. He didn't behave badly in class because he knew it made me feel a bit uneasy about him. And he acted so much more classy; pulling my chair out, holding the door open, putting his arm around me when I was cold. I was beginning to like him a lot. My best friend for the past year noticed. We were extremely close, me and my best friend. We would hang out all the time after school, and her dog was basically my dog too considering I took him for walks almost every day. But one day she became shady. She started flirting with him. She knew how much I liked him. She was acting a bit jealous, and it made me sad to know that I was losing my best friend over a guy. So I stopped flirting with him, and I treated him like all of my other friends. But he wouldn't stop flirting with me. And it made me realise how much I really like him (because I still like him lol). In the end, my friend flirted with him so much that he got fed up and refused to ever actually talk to her. I'm not friends with her anymore, and my current best friend is also really close friends with the guy. Everyone still says that the guy likes me, but he doesn't really act like it as much as he used to. Sure, we still exchange flirty glances every now and then in English. And sure, we still meet up in the mall after school and hang out. But I'm not really sure what to do anymore. He's made a few moves on me before, he's asked me out like 6 times, and we were going to go to prom together earlier this year but he was sick so he didn't go. We've almost kissed a few times too and he's always joking about wanting to kiss me. One time he put a piece of paper against my mouth then against his and said something along the lines of "our first kiss, and there can be more". He's really cute around me and acts a bit more shy than he does around other girls. idk why I'm telling u guys this lol but i just really wanted to tell someone this so, you know, why not tell the whole world lol cause none of my friends rly know whats going on or anything like its sort of more between me and him and his friends (I'm friends with his friends too) OK WOW I JUST RAMBLED I AM SO SORRY LETS JUST START THE CHAPTER OKAY BUT IM SO SORRY IF ITS A BAD CHAPTER


"Hello?" I grabbed the phone from the zigzag-printed pillow.

"Lulu, Lulu, have you heard from Joe?" I picked out between sobs. It was Zoe's voice.

"Zoe? No I haven't, he's tried calling me, but I haven't answered him. Why, is something wrong?" I was beginning to get restless and concerned.

It was a bit curious, don't you think? That he would call me constantly, text me repeatedly, leave voicemails with such a stressed tone that he urgently must talk to me, but then leave me hanging when I try to reach out to him.

"I...he....his car...I....I'm on channel 4...the news...a car crash... on Rundell Street..." I heard. She was crying heavily.

Rundell Street. It sounded familiar. Sure, I haven't been living here for too long, but I know my way around town. And Rundell Street, I'm sure that's just a block away from my campus. I tossed the phone harshly onto the bed. I didn't even have shoes on, but I dashed from my dorm room and across the campus. I passed speeding cars and romantic couples sitting by candlelight at small cafes. I ran as fast as I could to Rundell Street. The blue and red flashing lights of police cars and ambulances sped past me, causing me to lose my balance in the strong winds they produced. I tripped, stumbling pathetically to the ground. I was so close to the crash. I could see a mangled car, thrashed between segments of a torn up semi-trailer. I was losing  consciousness. The stumble caused me to smash my head against a cement block on the side of the road. My eyelids fluttered open and shut as I got drowsier and drowsier. I could see an ambulance. It was parked, lights flashing, at the corner of the street. Rundell Street. I could pick out officers lifting a body onto a stretcher and into the van. Small shadowy figures stood alongside the vehicle, uniformed in reflective vests, to prevent onlookers from sighting the accident. The accident. 

Thoughts of Joe's angry voice. 

Of Joe's calming voice. 

Of Joe's constant text messages. 

Of Joe. 


Joe was the body that they carried.


A/N (again): OMG THE CHAPTER IS SHORTER THAN MY LIFE STORY (but tbh my life is basically a soap opera right now) guys sorry this chapter is short its late at night here so I just wanted to put this chapter up but hopefully another chapter will be up again either tomorrow or as soon as possible. I love you guys all so so SOOOO much! Thanks for reading :) <3

xx "Lulu"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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