Chapter 1

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Living in a Jumble of Wishes

Chapter 1

“I want to have tons of friends,” I said the night right before the first day of my junior year at high school. It was the last thing I uttered before I fell asleep that night.

The next morning, I woke up to my annoying alarm. The first day of school is the worst day ever because you have to wake up super early after having spent three month waking up super late.

I grumbled under my breath as I stumbled towards my bathroom. I switched on the lights and didn’t bother looking at the mirror because I didn’t really want to see my horrible face in the morning.

I took a quick shower then went back to my room to pick my outfit for today. The weather wasn’t very hot today so I put on blue skinny jeans and a dark blue and white striped T-Shirt. I slipped on my white converse before applying some makeup to cover up the dark circles under my eyes.

I pressed the home button of my iPhone to check the time. It was still 7:10a.m so I had ten more minutes till I had to leave for school.

I went down to the kitchen and prepared a sandwich for school and a sandwich for breakfast. As soon as I was done, it was time to leave so I put one sandwich in my bag and grabbed the second one as I jogged outside.

I started walking while eating my sandwich as my thoughts drifted to my past high school years.

Ever since I started high school, I’ve only had two friends: Carla and Kate. I was invisible to most of the people at school but this year, I wanted this to change.

I wanted to be popular.

I knew that it won’t be easy because I couldn’t just become friends with the popular clique. They’ve been friends since freshman year and they won’t accept me that fast!

I will try, though. I want my life to be as interesting as theirs! It’s like they’re always having fun.

By the time I arrived to school, I had finished my sandwich so I threw the paper and went inside.

I walked to my locker and found Carla and Kate already standing there, chatting.

“Hey,” I said, giving them hugs before opening my locker.

They were talking about the movie we watched yesterday. I didn’t chat with them as I fixed my books in my locker.

When the bell rang, we went to our class. In our class we have half of the popular clique. The other half was in the other class and in the third class there were all the losers of the school.

“Hey!” I said, smiling at Candy and Mandy, the two most popular girls at school. They were dressed in the same shorts and white top. They always wear the same thing since they’re twins.

They both had the same blond hair, blue eyes, and flawless face. The only thing that could tell them apart was the different colors of necklaces they wear.

They both have similar necklaces that they never take off. The necklace is a heart with a small shiny rock in the middle of it. That of Candy is a silver heart with a green rock and that of Mandy is a golden heart with a red rock.

“Hey,” they replied, less enthusiastically than me but at least they replied!

Smiling to myself, I took a seat next to Amy, one of the popular girls. I didn’t sit in the far right of the class like I did every year. I wanted them to notice me this year.

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