Chapter 17

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Living in a Jumble of Wishes

Chapter 17

“I want to break up,” I told Zack on Tuesday, my face blank. The rest of the members of the popular group were watching us curiously but they couldn’t listen to what we were saying because we were out of earshot.

“What?” He said.

That was it. I had decided. I didn’t want this anymore. I didn’t want to be one of the populars. I wanted my old life back.

Being with them was turning me into a person I wasn’t. I was becoming like them and I didn’t want that. I wanted true best friends and a real boyfriend that would truly love me.

“I’m done. We’re done,” I said, gesturing between the two of us.

“What the hell?” He said angrily. “You can’t break up with me!”

I raised an eyebrow at him. “I can’t?” I said.

“I’m perfect! You’re lucky to call me your boyfriend. Why are you breaking up with me?” He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I can’t believe I even went out with you in the first place,” I said, giving him a disgusted look. He’s so arrogant! I’m lucky to call him my boyfriend? Ha! Just because everyone at school knows his name, that doesn’t mean that they all know what kind of guy he is.

“You’re always late for dates, you never have anything sweet or meaningful to say to me, and all you care about is physical.”

“Is that because of what happened at the party? I thought we were over that!”

“No, it’s not just that. The party was a part of it, yes, I mean come on Zack you almost raped me! I can’t forgive you that easily! Other than that, you’ve never been on time and when you came in and met my parents you didn’t even stay for two minutes! That was so rude! And I just don’t like who you are.”

 I was being so blunt but I thought that it was the only way I could let him get my message.

“Actually,” I said, screaming now so that the entire popular clique heard me. “I don’t like who all of you are. I can’t believe I even wanted to be friends with all of you! I can’t believe I lost my true best friends because I wanted to hang out with you. You’re bullies. You’re all horrible!”

They all looked shocked at my outburst.

“What the hell is wrong with you Pamela?” Candy said with her annoying voice. How did I manage to keep on hearing her voice for months?

“Me?!” I shrieked. “What is wrong with me? No, what’s wrong with ALL OF YOU!”

They all stared at me with shocked looks on their faces so I continued on talking.

“You make fun of every person that isn’t a part of your ‘clique’ and you think you’re above everyone but you’re not. You’re below every person I know. You don’t know how to do anything other than complain and talk badly about every person you know. How do you even live with yourselves? Don’t you have feelings at all? Don’t you ever feel even slightly guilty after you crush someone’s confidence? You disgust me.”

I was about to leave when I remembered something important I had to add. I did notice that all of the school was watching but that was even better. I wanted everyone to know just how horrible they all were.

“Oh and by the way, Landon is the best guy I have ever met, unlike all of you. He’s my best friend and he also has a heart, something you all clearly don’t have,” I said and walked away, leaving everyone in the court, staring at me with open mouths and wide eyes.

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