Chapter 5

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Living in a Jumble of Wishes

Chapter 5

I hate Mondays so much.

It’s like my body gets used to sleeping a few more hours during the weekend then BAM Monday arrives and I have to wake up at seven in morning again!

I wish school started at nine. I would’ve been able to wake up at around eight or even eight thirty some days!

How awesome would that be?

But I guess we can’t have everything easy in life. Waking up early is one of the hard things in my life but I have to deal with it.

I took out a pair of jeans and carefully picked my white top and red jacket. Ever since I started hanging out with the populars, I started making sure that my clothes were good enough. If I wanted to be a part of the popular group then I had to look like I was one of them, right?

I applied a bit of lip gloss and mascara before going downstairs to have some breakfast.

I found some cookies on the kitchen counter and my mouth watered. I grabbed two cookies and started munching on them as I went to school.

I smiled when I saw Zack and the twins chatting in the hallway. I went up to them and greeted them.

“Hey!” The twins said in unison.

“Hi there,” Zack whispered and then he gave me a kiss.

I kissed him back and tried to keep it short because I didn’t really feel comfortable with PDA.

I blushed when we pulled away and the twins started saying how cute we were.

Zack smirked and he proudly put his arm around my waist. We talked for a few minutes before I told them that I’ll meet them in class because I wanted to get some books from my locker.

I rushed to my locker to get my books before the bell rings.

I grabbed my books and quickly shut my locker because the bell had already rung.

I got to class right on time and breathed a sigh of relief as I sat in my chair.

The teacher started explaining some math lesson but I ignored her as my thoughts drifted to Zack and the rest of the populars.

I was thinking of ways to keep on impressing them and working hard on not sounding like a loser in front of them at any time.

The morning passed in a blur and soon it was second break.

We were seated on the stairs as usual when Mandy said to me, “Are you up for a challenge?”

“Challenge for what?” I asked.

“To see if you truly are a popular,” Amy replied for her and I gulped, suddenly feeling nervous.

So was this the test? The test to see if I was good enough to be a part of their group? That was it? The moment I find out if I stay or leave? I felt like I was in a movie. I never thought things like that actually happen in real life but I was never a part of a popular group so I didn’t know.

“Shoot!” I finally said, determined to pass their test.

“See that girl over there with the book and the glasses?” Mandy said, rudely pointing at a girl on the other side of the court.

“Yeah,” I replied, nodding.

“What do you think of her?” She asked.

“She likes to read?” I said but it sounded more of a question than an answer.

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