Chapter 19

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Living in a Jumble of Wishes

Chapter 19

“L-Landon?” I stuttered when I saw him sitting on the bench in the park where Carla and Kate told me to meet them. He was wearing jeans and a grey sweater with a black jacket above them. And again I thought of how cute he was.

“You wanted to talk to me?” He said his face and voice void of emotions. I shuddered slightly at his tone. He had never used that tone with me. His voice and eyes were always warm.

My mouth opened and closed a few times. I was confused and nervous. “Y-yes but I—”

I stopped talking as realization hit me. “Oh!” I said. That’s what Carla and Kate were doing with my phone. They took Landon’s number and talked to him! They just made up the excuse of Temple Run. “Oh!” I said again, nodding to myself.

Landon cleared his throat and I jumped, forgetting that he was there. I blushed when I saw his amused smile.

“Heh,” I smiled sheepishly, my cheeks flaming. “Never mind!”

He chuckled and shook his head at me. I smiled as well. I loved hearing his laugh. It gave me butterflies.

Then the atmosphere suddenly changed to a serious atmosphere. The smile dropped from his face and he just stared at me.

I swallowed and took in a shaky breath.

“Just hear me our okay?” I said.

“That’s why I’m here,” he said in a ‘duh’ tone and I blushed. What’s up with that blush?! Did realizing you were in love do that to you?

“I’m sorry,” I blurted out then stopped talking and just stared at him.

A few seconds later, he gave me a puzzled look. “That’s it?”

I groaned. “I suck at this! I wasn’t ready. Just give me a minute.”

He smirked at me and I looked away, preparing myself.

“I never knew which group you belonged to at your school. I never cared because you were my friend and you didn’t go to my school so I didn’t think it would affect my friendship with those people. I wasn’t always in that group. I only started hanging out with them at the beginning of this year. I was so caught up in the popularity thing that I didn’t realize how horrible they all were. And dating Zack… What the hell was I thinking?” I said the last part more to myself but I heard Landon laugh quietly.

“Anyway, at the carnival, I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have said that I didn’t know you. A part of me is glad I did because it made me realize how much I hated their attitude and how much I cared about you. Too late, I know, but I’m really hoping you’ll forgive me because—”

I stopped talking. I was about to blurt out that I was in love with him. I’m such an idiot sometimes. I almost face palmed.

I cleared my throat awkwardly.

“Because…?” He prompted.

“Uh n-nothing,” I said quickly. What if he didn’t even forgive me? How would he react if I confessed my undying love for him? What if he ran away?

That would seriously suck.

“What were you going to say?” He asked looking intently at me.

“I-I uh I just wanted to say uh,” I stuttered and he smirked.

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