Chapter 6

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Living in a Jumble of Wishes

Chapter 6

“Pamela McCloud,” My philosophy teacher said and I cursed under my breath.

He just had to pick me today! It’s like he knew I didn’t study this time and he picked me to recite on purpose.

I hesitantly walked up to the front of the class and he started firing questions at me.

I barely answered them, trying to remember what we wrote on Tuesday during his period but I just couldn’t. I didn’t even know which chapter we were studying before he started asking the questions!

He gave me a disappointed look as I went back to my place, knowing that he was writing a failing grade next to my name right now.

“It’s okay,” Zack mouthed when I got back to my seat.

I gave him a half-smile and he smiled back.

I spaced out for the rest of the period because I was angry about the recitation. When I’m angry, I can’t concentrate on anything.

We had a biology test right after the philosophy period. But unlike my philosophy recitation, I did okay on this one. I had studied biology last night. Well, as much as I could with Zack texting me constantly.

I knew I could’ve studied more and done better but I think I will pass that test.

The English test we had that day wasn’t good either. The questions were very confusing and I just felt as if all that I wrote didn’t make sense at all!

And of course, to add to my horrible day, my history teacher decided that it was time for an oral recitation and yup you guessed it, my name was the first one she picked.

I did better than the philosophy recitation but it still wasn’t that good.

I was sulking all day. I didn’t have one good thing all day! I couldn’t be more relieved when the final bell rang, I barely said a good bye to my friends as I rushed home, wanting to get away from school as much as possible.

All those tests and recitations gave me a massive headache and I just wanted to release some of the stress.

Sports aren’t really my thing but I just couldn’t sit in the house alone. I needed to go out.

That’s when I decided to go for a run. Ha! Like that would happen. I’ll just walk around the neighborhood like a lazy eighty year old woman, I thought.

I took out a pair of sweatpants and put on a short sleeved white shirt and grabbed a jacket just in case I got cold.

I took my earphone and phone from my bed and made sure to shove the keys into my pocket before leaving the house. I didn’t want to stay locked out. My parents were out on a ‘date’ tonight.

They acted like a high school couple… At least they were happy and in love and that’s all that matters.

I put my earphones in my ears and started walking. I admired the buildings and the trees in our neighborhood as I passed by. I’ve never really taken the time to look at the details of the buildings or the nature around here. I’ve been living here for a really long time—ever since I was born—but I never even thought that about really seeing the place.

Maybe it’s because I’ve never went for walks like that—I’m always too lazy—or maybe it’s because I don’t have friends around here so I never had an excuse to walk to their house or meet under one of the trees on the side of the road.

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