DT ch. 26

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~ Chapter 26 ~

“Wait, wait, wait. So, there was a shoot-out at our house?” Lexi asked. Her brows were furrowed together in concern and disbelief.

“Yea, you know, when there’s a bunch of people standing outside your house and they fire like there’s no tomorrow?” Tom offered. He was laying on his bed sometimes wincing in pain from the wound on his leg. Out of the huge house we lived in, I can’t believe he got shot! I mean there are a ton of hiding spots, why couldn’t he have hidden in one? Guys are so naive sometimes; I let out a sigh. “What was that for Tori?”

“Huh?” I said coming out from my thoughts, “What?”

“Are you mocking me?”

“What? No! I wouldn’t do that!”

“Oh, sure you wouldn’t.”

“I wouldn’t! Stop it with your sarcasm!”

“Hey! Both of you shut up!” Lexi commanded in a frustrated voice. She sat down on a chair that was pushed up against the wall and put her head in between her hands.

“Tom, can you just continue your story, please?” Logan asked in a tired tone. Today’s been a long day and I could see now that it was taking it’s toll. For at least half of the day we’ve been traveling while the other half was looking for Tom.

“Alright, alright,” Tom held up both hands in a surrender sign. “So I was just doing my normal thing at home when the shoot-out happened; I got shot and it hurt so bad that I was practically immobile. I couldn’t so anything. After a couple of agonizing minutes I heard footsteps nearby. I thought maybe it was the ambulance. My hopes were up, but then a foot appeared in my line of vision and they walked right up to me. I slowly looked upward, but I couldn’t make out a face because the ceiling lights were casting a shadow across his face. Thinking he was here to help me, I held up my hand for him to take, but he slapped it away and took something out of his pocket. I only saw it for a second, but it looked like some kind of needle. There was a sharp pain in my neck and I yelled in pain, but before I could try anything I suddenly felt really tired. I fell asleep and when I woke up I was in the hospital.”

“What? That’s so bizarre though,” Logan said scratching his head.

“Yea, it seems like the visitor wasn’t part of the shoot-out,” I added as I sat on a spare chair next to Lexi. Her hands was still holding her head on her lap as she mumbled a few incoherent words. 

“This really doesn’t lead us anywhere,” Alex said from the corner of the room. I think he has a thing with standing in corners; it always makes him look mysterious and creepy.

“I know and I still have no idea what the hell happened after the shoot-out,” Tom sighed.

“Aren’t there video cameras set up around the house?” Lexi suddenly asked as she popped her head up from in between her hands. 

Tom’s eyes widened as if lightbulbs went off inside his head. “Yea, we do.”

A smile escaped my lips. “We’ll be back later then Tom. Get some rest,” I said before kissing his forehead and making my way out of his room. I was on a mission to find out who tried taking my family away from me again. Nothing can stop me now.

“Wait!” Tom cried out to me. My hand on the doorknob, I turned my head to the side and raised my brows at him. This better be good; I want to know who that man was as soon as possible. “Be careful. They might have come back to the house. Keep an extra eye out, you hear me?”

“We’re professionals Tom. We didn’t train for nothing.” I let out a small chuckle before opening the door and walking out. A few seconds after I heard the door open and close meaning the others were right behind me. Logan slid an arm around my waist as I reached the elevator and pressed the button.

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