Break, Burn, End

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A/N: So my really good friend Topaz and I are probably going to do a collab design shop for book covers and stuff!  I would focus on the cover and she can do youtube trailers.  When it is up I'll let you know.  Also, she suggested I switch POV between chapters, like Taylor one and Louis other.  I decided what I will do is a half and half.  Start with someone and end with someone else, and we'll see how that goes.  Cool?  Cool!

Taylor's POV

I woke up to a shift of weight in the bed.  It was Meredith.  I laughed when I looked at her, as she was dancing around the bed as if she knew Louis and I were going on a date today.  I smiled and picked her up, loving the feel of her silky-soft fur. (A/N My cat Stripes isn't a scottish fold but that is what her fur feels like!  I love it!) "You know what today is, Mer?" I asked.  I received a meow in response.  "Yeah!  You know what the Bluebird Cafe is?  It's where Scott Borchetta discovered me!  Isn't that great?"  

She meowed, cutely, but then a little impatiently.  I swear, it's like she's my secretary or something.  That's great, Taylor, but you really need to get ready!  You have to be at the cafe in two hours!  I laughed at myself, even though it was true that I needed to get ready. 

I went and opened the huge closet doors.  I walked around.  Wear something new or something old?  I decided for something new, not wanting to risk wearing something I wore with Jake.  I pulled out a couple, and then held them up to me in front of the huge mirror.  I felt Meredith twisiting between my legs before I saw it, and gave a silly shriek.  After I calmed down, I twirled.  "What do you think, Meredith?  The blue or the pink?"  She meowed and I set them on the ground.  She went and sat on the blue one.  Personally, I agreed.  I pulled it on and danced around in front of the mirror.  Then I walked into my bathroom, inspired by Alice Cullen's (I suppose my closet was, too!), and started playing with some makeup.  Finally I was finished.  I wore my hair simply, slightly wavy, and took a look.  My eyes popped, going perfectly with the dress.  The shoes I had picked out were perfect.  Honestly, I don't think I could have done better, if I do say myself.  I took a deep breath, taking in the ensemble.  Meredith came in and meowed.  Don't forget, I helped!  Without me, you'd still be snoring in bed, missy!  I laughed.  I grabbed my iPhone and put in earbuds.  My song, with Kieth Urban and Tim McGraw, The Highway Don't Care, came on.  I remembered when it first came out, while I was dating Jake.  I thought it was very nice, but he started going off on it.


As it ended, I looked at him expectantly.  "What'd you think?"

"I guess I just don't get it."

"What do you mean?"

"The highway don't care?  It's an inanimate object; it doesn't have feelings."

"Oh, yeah?  I AM AWARE!  It's more symbolic, you know?"

"No, I don't.  And all you sing is 'I can't live without you baby'.  Sorta redundant." he said.

"But she's so caught up in the fact that, no matter what, she can't live without him; she is that in love."

"I guess I just don't get it." he repeated.  We sat in silence.  I supposed I had gone too far.  I was about to say I was sorry, when he started talking again.

"I need some space."

"What, you going to go listen to your indie record?  I know it's so much cooler than mine!"

He laughed.  "Well, in comparison to this baby track, it certainly is!  Goodbye!"

And so I sat down after he left.  We'd broken up so many times before, I was just numb.  Really?  You need space?

End of flashback

I do get it, Jake.  I used to not be able to live without you... but people change.  So with that, I went to my car, on my way to the cafe that started it all.


When I got there, I started to ask for a table for two, expecting Louis to be late.  Jake always was.  I inhaled the familiar scent of the warm cafe. 

"Miss Swift?  Actually, Mr. Tomlinson already got a table for you.  And it's nice to see you."  

"Thank you!"  I said in surprise.  I looked around.  He was standing by what I presumed to be our table.  I looked at my phone.  Early?  Wow.  Nice.

"Miss Swift." he said in a serious greeting, but I could tell he was in a goofy mood, so I went with it.

"Mister Tomlinson."  I was nervous, but already having fun.  He pulled my chair out and helped me in ooh good lyric! like a perfect gentleman.

"How kind of you, good sir!"

We continued in this manner.  Soon enough, he was throwing his head back, laughing.  I was a little surprised.  Jake always though I wasn't funny.  Taylor, stop thinking about Jake.  Not worth it!

When we were finished with our delicious meal, we took a walk around Nashville.  "You're a little quiet today." Louis noted observantly.

"Guess I'm just entranced by you!"  I said.  I started to tell him why, actually, but he started talking easily.

Soon enough, we were back where we started.  "Are you ready to meet the boys?" he asked.  I nodded eagerly.  "I'll drive," he continued, "And then bring you back here.  Or make Paul take your car back."  I hadn't even noticed the bodyguard.  Paul nodded, saying he would be glad to.  So I handed him my keys.  If he could keep these five goofballs alive, I'm pretty sure he can handle Toyote.  

On the way there, I started getting a song in my head, with that lyric from earlier.  I quickly typed into my phone as I watched it all begin again.

Louis' POV

The date was wonderful, magical, unbelieveable.  I had the greatest time.

We were on our way to the boy's when I noticed Taylor typing into her phone frantically.  "Whatcha doing?" I asked, curious.

She blushed.  "Erm, I sorta get songs I'm writing stuck in my head, so I write them in.  Normally I record them if I'm alone, but I'm not."

"What'd I do?"

"Nothing!" she said.  "Okay, everything!  But it was all RIGHT!  Not wrong."

"Can I hear then?"  She nodded sheepishly, and started singing.  Her melodic voice filled the air beautifully, and I lost myself in the music.  

Take a deep breath in the mirror

He didn't like it when I wore high heels but I do

The song continued.  I smiled at all the nice things she said.  It was perfect.

"I love it, Taylor.  Who's this he, though?  I think he needs a good high five in the face."  She laughed.

"It's Jake Gyllenhall," she said.  She groaned.  "Oh, he was the WORST!  Horrible.  I mean, sure, there were good moments, and good songs, too, but ugh.  He... well... good luck to any other woman he dates.  Maybe i should put a note on his back so they know."

I laughed.  She was so easy to talk to; so easy to get along with.  She may have spent eight months... eight months... thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end, but clearly this cycle beginning again would be taking a different course; a course for the better.

A/N Whoo!  That was a hard chapter to write.  Obviously, the song of the chapter is Begin Again, which I overly foreshadowed in the previous chapter.  I hope you like this chapter and that it tides you over until tomorrow or Monday! :)  Xxx Dmeosi 

Fearless *UNDER EDITING*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें