If This Was A Movie

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Taylor's POV

***3 Months Later***

We were sitting on his porch together.  In an hour, my boyfriend and the rest of 1D would be leaving for two concerts in New York.  After that, London.

He slowly stopped the gently rocking swing, got up, and held his hand up.  "Walk with me?"  I obliged, as he helped me up, and we walked the distance to the creek.  I'd straightened my hair this morning, and pulled it into a ponytail.  The breeze made it dance in the air.

"Walk ahead a bit," he instructed as we neared the trail.  I did so, and he told me to look forward.  I also did that, paused, then walked to him.  My phone beaped and I arched an eyebrow.

"Just look!" he said.  It was a picture of me.

"For your 'last day till RED' picture!" He explained.

"Thanks, Louis!" I said.  I stood on my tip-toes and pecked him on the cheek.

He incredulously asked, "That's all?" 

To that I replied, "Fine!"  I then commenced in doing the exact same to his other cheek.  "And that's all."  He laughed.  We went and sat at our favorite spot, our happy place, where we sort of first started kind of dating, as I liked to think of it.  Serene silence filled the air as we contemplated things.  The birds chirped happily.

30 minutes passed and it was time to take him to the airport.  We went and got Toyote (A/N no I don't know if she still has Toyote!) and headed that way.  "Promise me something?" Louis asked.

"Sure, Lou, what?"

"Don't leave me for someone else, but don't hide in your home, all depressed.  I don't want you to be the Bella in New Moon when Edward leaves, but the vampire Bella, unafraid and fearless."

"I will."  I said.  Then, I noticed something.  "How would you know?"  I looked at him, stealing a look away from the road.

"Er... El made me?"

I stalled the car and just looked at him.

"Alright!" he said, throwing his hands up.  "I like Twilight.  OW!"  He hit the ceiling. 

"Good one, Boo Bear."  We continued to the airport.

After he left, after a kiss goodbye, I went home and cried.  I kept my promise, but did stay inside this day.  The next morning, Red was out.

I was happy.  I missed Louis more than anything in the world, but I knew he wanted me to be happy... so I was.

A/N Sorry for not posting!  However, there is the picture I was describing and I'll do another update now.  Please comment, vote, fan, whatever!  :)

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