Should've Said No

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Louis's POV

I was stuck in Missouri, trying to get to New York, when Eleanor intercepted me.  Then, noticing the paps, she kissed me.  She threw herself on me, and said, "Have fun with Taylor, Louis."  Then she walked away.

Taylor's POV

I flew to London, knowing Louis was back.  I called Zayn to pick me up once at the airport.

"Vas Happenin'?"  He asked.

"Zayn?  I'm at the airport.  Can you come pick me up? Louis and I need to talk."  He agreed and half an hour later, I was on my way to give Louis my mind... not just a piece of it.  He pulled in.  

"Brace yourself, Zayn.  Things are about to get scary." he laughed, not knowing how sincere I was.

I walked in the house, and Harry, laughing at the sight of an angry me said "First door on the left."  I stomped into Louis' room.

"You!"  I said, pointing my finger at him.  "You broke my heart.  I kept my promise, to not leave you, but still have fun.  I wrote and sang a song for you.  Then you kiss your wimpy ex?  Really?  I trusted you, I kissed, you, I... I let you in!  But it's not my fault!  IT'S YOURS!"  He sat back, scared.

"Hey, hey, hey.  Just let me explain.  She threw herself on me.  It was not me.  Look at the pictures online... there's more.  You'll see me, immediately, pushing her away.  In a cell-phone video you can hear her saying something about this is for Taylor!  It wasn't my fault."

Oops.  "Oh."


"No, I'm sorry, Louis."

"It's okay.  Forgiven if forgiven."

"Deal!" I laughed.  "I missed you, Louis.  And now I have to fly back."

"Okay.  I love you so much and I'll tell you when Simon finds a time for me to come.  Sometime you should come to a concert."  I agreed with this, kissed him goodbye, and he drove me for a flight.

 A/N  Once this gets idk, 250 reads?  I'll stop with these filler chapters and announce a couple of exciting things.  Cool?  Cool.

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