The Hate

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Louis' POV (before the tweet)

I had just gotten home from picking up Nando's, and braced myself when I walked in the door.  Immediately when I walked in I heard... silence?  I saw melancholy faces when I looked in the eyes of my four friends.  I gave them a crooked eyebrow, went into the kitchen, and started eating my deliciously exquisite meal.  Aaah.  Delish.  Liam walked in, and said, "Louis?"

"Mmmhmm?"  I said through a mouthful of food. 

"Check twitter."

So I did.  I wiped my face on my sleeve, and pulled out my iPhone, using the hand that hadn't touched the greasy goodness.  (haha!)

My feed was cluttered with hate.. not towards Danielle, or Perrie, or Eleanor, whom I had once dated, but Taylor.  Taylor, the innocent girl who wasn't officially dating me.  Taylor, the girl who had been so hurt by Jake.  Taylor, the girl called names by girls who couldn't date anyone.  My Taylor.  I started typing angrily, and tweeted the message.

Half an hour later, Taylor pulled into my house.  

She was sobbing.  Tears were streaking her face, ruining the little make-up she wore.  "What have I done?"  I said, pulling her into a hug.  She just wept into my chest, as she was a good a three inches shorter than me.  (A/N Just pretend, kay? haha)

When she pulled out of the hug, she looked at me with deadened eyes.  "I don't know.  I don't know what to do.  I knew it would come, since we were dating, but.."

"Wait," I said, slightly, embarrassingly, excited.  "We're dating?"  She reddened.

"Oh, well, I just assumed, seeing how, and also..." she said, flustered.

She just kept going.  So, to shut her up, I leaned in and kissed her.

It was sweet.  It wasn't like Eleanor, who... had a distaste for dental health.  It wasn't like anyone else, no.  Sparks flew, as Taylor would say, but in a different way... sparks flew like a sparkler a small child was holding, happily dancing in the street.  They flew not wildly, angrily, like big fireworks, but like the kind that burst in the sky and rained down calmly.  (A/N MY FAVORITE AND I JUST WAS LIKE OMG THAT WORKS!)

The best part was: she was kissing me back.

We both pulled away, knowing it was enough.  And I know most guys would take this moment to say "I love you."  But now wasn't the time.  Honestly, my brain was still a little fried.  I was still confused.  Taylor's eyes said it all, though.  Everything was better.  She didn't blame me, like Eleanor once did...


Taylor's POV

After that perfect kiss, I noticed Louis's eyes glaze over slightly, like mine did when I was in a flashback moment.  "Lou?"  I asked.

"I know you don't blame me for the hate..." he started.

"Eleanor did?"  I guessed.  He nodded.

"We had just made it official to Directioners we were dating.  The hate flooded in like a monsoon.  She... didn't take it well." he said, involuntarily looking at my wrists.  Self-harm, I'm guessing, is what she did.

"There was one time... it was so bad, she was in the hospital.  Bone thin, because people said she was a fat... and too much blood-loss.  I walked in, and held her hand as she slept.  When she woke up, though, she wasn't peaceful.  Her voice cracked and she held up a bony finger to me.

"'You!  It's you who did this to me.  Get out of my sight.  I never want to see you again.'" 

"Oh my gosh, Louis.  I will never do that, and I could never blame you!  I've endured plenty of hate, it was just... different this time.  I'm okay, really!  I just wasn't expecting it."

i really wasn't, but the hate... it was worth it.  

Gah sorry for the filler chapter, sort of.  Oh, A/N  also.  Erm... sorry I haven't updated.  I hope you liked this!  Thanks for reading.  CLICK VOTE AND COMMENT PLEAAASE!  It's been a weird week at school, so I would love that.  if you read this, comment something and slip a 13 in there and I'll like totally love you.  

I have a design shop with me friend @autumnwonders it's called Tears of Heaven designs.  :)

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