part 4

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Alicia pov

"Do I look good baby?" Myles asked for the fifth time. "Yes babe you look good now can we please go?" I said. " I wanna impress your family babe." He said. "Myles, I can come up with a list of things that you can impress them with if you just be yourself" I said kissing him. "Like what?" He said. "You're a gentleman, you're sweet, you treat me like a princess , you dont have tattoos, you dont sell drugs, you barely cuss, do you want me to continue?" I said.

"I'm sorry baby , I'm just nervous I guess." He said. "Don't be nervous babe.You got this." I said fixing his collar. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I put one hand behind his neck and the other on his upperarm. "I love you." He said. "I love you too. "I said as I kissed him.

Skipping to her family's house

Myles pov

I was so nervous coming up to the door of the house. "Babe, everything is gonna be okay. " Alicia said kissing my cheek. I held her hand which calmed me down. She knocked on the door. Her dad came to open the door. Did I tell you Alicia got her dad out of jail?

Yeah, he scares me. "Hey, princess!" He said hugging Alicia. "Hey dad!"she said. "Hi, Mr. Gonzalez. " I said sticking my hand out. He shook my hand. "Myles, you can call me Joe.Come inside." He said.

We walked inside. I was still holding on to Alicia's hand. Her family is really nice even though they don't really look like it. Me and Alicia walked into her old room. "Woah, look at all the pink." I said. She laughed.

She kissed me. Her sisters came in. "Myles!!" Mari said running to hug me. "Mari!" I said. She ran and grabbed a photo book off of a shelf. "Mari what do you got?"I asked.

"Pictures of Lici." She said sitting next to me. I was looking at the pictures. Alicia was so cute as a baby. "Awww babe, you were so cute!" I said. She was playing with Jocelyn's hair . "thank you babe." She said.

I grabbed my phone and started taking pictures of the photos. I posted them on Twitter. I put the caption "Who's this Lil cutie @ AliciaGonzalez ?" I put my phone away. Alicia's grandma came in. "What are you guys doing?" She asked.

"Looking at Alicia's baby pictures. She was a very cute baby. "I said. "Awww, she was my first grand baby. Alicia, I think Abuelo still has the home videos, let's take them out." Her grandma said to her. "Abuelita no." Alicia said. "I'm taking them out anyways"her grandma said. Alicia laughed. "Okay then abuela, let's go find them." She said.

They found the videos of Alicia and Alexis when they were little. Alicia sat by me and I put my arm around her. I was laughing at how cute Alicia was. She was blushing.

-Dinner Time-

We all sat at the table having conversations. "So when are you and Alicia gonna have kids?" One of her cousins asked. Alicia choked on her water. I patted her back. "Are you okay babe?" I asked. I heard her mumble "God damn."

"Yeah I'm fine, That question just took me by suprise. We haven't even thought about having kids." She said. "When do you think you'll have kids?" Her cousin asked . " HEY COME ON EVERYONE OUTSIDE. TIME TO DANCE." Alicia's grandma said, saving us from being questioned.Alicia grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. Mexican music was playing . "baby I don't know how to mexican dance." I said.

Everyone looked at me. "Uh, oh" Alicia said. " Mijo, let me teach you" Alicia's grandpa said. He taught me some moves. Alicia was laughing. "Stop laughing, I bet you didn't know how to dance at first." I said grabbing her hands .

"When you come from a Mexican family, you know how to dance before you know how to talk." She said. I chuckled. We danced. I gotta say I'm pretty good at this.Soon we went home. "That was better than I expected." I said.

"I'm pretty sure they love you. " Alicia said. "You think?" I asked. "Yeah, my grandpa never called any of my ex's mijo, he called them assholes."she said. I laughed. She changed out of her dress into one of my shirts. It stopped right at her knees.

I changed into sweatpants and a t shirt. We sat in the living room and watched Tv. Alicia sat in my lap. "I love you." I told her. "I love you too babe." She said pecking my lips. I love my baby.

2 hours later

Alicia was falling asleep in my lap. I picked her up and took her to our room. I laid her down in the bed and changed into basketball shorts. I slipped under the sheets with her. She put her head on my chest. "Good night baby." I said kissing her cheek and then I drifted off to sleep.

Broken Promises  Sequel to Sorry He's Mine Myles Parrish Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now