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“Wake up Ash! Come on! We have so much stuff to do before the bus arrives! And and and we actually have proper bunks this time and everything! Come on lazy you haven’t even finished packing and I swear to god if you complain that you don’t have enough time to finish your hair later I will kick your butt all the way to the first venue! Even though I don’t actually know where that is… eh, we’ll get schedules later and we have a driver this time so yeah!”

Andy is waaaaaay to enthusiastic and energetic for this time in the morning…

I smooshed my face down into my pillow, content with ignoring him. He’s probably drunk way too much coffee to be sane so I’ll just let him get on with being hyper until the other guys arrive. Then he can go bother them-oof!

“Ow! Andy! Don’t do that!” I complained with Andy laughed from on top of me.

“Well, you should have got up then! Not my fault you chose to stay in bed!” he laughed and slid off of me, and much to my annoyance pulled me off the bed as well as he did so.

“Now go take a shower and I’ll stick your bags by the door, the bus will be here in an hour to pick us up!” he told me gleefully before bouncing off to the other side of our bedroom to retrieve my bags.

Sometimes I wondered what I was thinking when I asked him to live with me, I clearly wasn’t considering just how many lay-ins I would miss by having an early rising boyfriend. Nah, just kidding,

I love Andy and I’m really glad he agreed to live with me, even if he was only moving one apartment to the left. I also decided to live in this apartment block permanently (well, until we can afford a better place) what I mean is that I’m not going to move back to my old apartment block even though it’s been completely rebuilt now. The reasons are fairly obvious, we’re closer to Jinxx here, the rent’s cheaper, it’s a nicer place in my opinion and that old apartment block brings back bad memories and I’m sure

Andy wouldn’t want to live there any more than I do.

I showered quickly to allow myself time to do my hair and make-up before meeting Andy by the door.

“You ready for this?” he asked me, excitement glowing in his eyes as he slung his bag over his shoulder.

“Hell yes!” I cheered and pecked Andy on the lips.

Outside a horn blared and that was our clue to grab our bags and head on outside. I locked the apartment door, double checking it was shut considering we’d be gone a few months and half ran/ half walked to the bus that would be our home from home from now on.

I was greeted by hugs from all the guys when I stepped in, me and Andy were the last ones to be picked up. As we seated ourselves in the lounge area we have Jinxx threw us all a beer from the fridge, popped the top of his own and raised it high in the air.

“Warped tour starts now, baby! Let’s make it awesome!” we all cheered and raised our cans as well. I can’t believe we’re on Warped tour, it’s going to be fricken insane! I just know this is going to be an unforgettable tour!

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