C.C's Admission

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“So what’s wrong?” I asked my borderline distraught friend. Something serious has got to be up for C.C to be upset, he’s usually one of the happiest people I know.

“Well… nothing wrong per se… it’s more the fact that I have a feeling it’s all going to go wrong… I have to make a choice and I have a bad feeling that I’m going to end up sad either way…” he replied, downcast, his voice wobbling slightly.

“What choice C.C?” I reached out and took his hand to comfort him, squeezing it gently to get him to continue.

He remained quiet for a painfully long minute before saying in a gentle whisper, “I like Jake, Ashley. I have for a long time, I would even go as far to say that I love him… but I don’t want to say anything because it’ll probably end up horribly. The problem is if I tell him and he doesn’t feel the same then I’ll mess up our friendship and things will be really awkward in the band but if I choose not to tell him then I’ve got to live with not knowing if he ever felt the same and make myself unhappy… I don’t know what to do Ashley…” he finished, leaving me to take in what he’d said for a few seconds. The way he felt didn’t shock me, I knew C.C had a thing for Jake, any one could see that. What shocked me was how he could think that Jake doesn’t feel the same way.


“Yeah” he mumbled.

“You forgot to factor something in” I continued on when he raised an eyebrow, “Jake likes you C.C, it’s obvious and you know I wouldn’t say that if I wasn’t 100% sure because I wouldn’t want to give you false hope. Everyone who spends time around us notices it; the way you’re so close with each other, the way he gazes at you when you’re focused on something else, the way he’s always happier when he’s nearer you. This is not something you need to worry about C; if you talked to him I’m sure he would tell you he feels the same. Plus, you’re good friends and even if he didn’t feel the same I doubt he wouldn’t want to be around you anymore. Besides, why wouldn’t he like you C.C? You’re funny, smart, kind, caring, attractive, a kick ass drummer and one of the best people I know. Not to mention that you don’t know if you don’t try C.C. So, you know what you’re gonna do? You’re going to talk to him and then you’re going to realise just how perfect you are for each other. He’s probably just as nervous to say anything as you are so set the ball rolling. You can do this C.C” I finished my little speech and looked up to see C.C with tears in his eyes. “Aw don’t cry C.C! I didn’t mean to upset you!”

He shook his head at me and pulled me into a tight hug.

“You didn’t upset me Ashley, you made me happy! Did you really mean all that stuff?” he asked, his arms still wrapped around me.

“Yes, of course I did C.C!” I exclaimed but quiet enough that my other sleeping band mates would not hear.

He just hugged him again. We stayed like this for a few minutes until we heard footsteps coming down towards the front of the bus which caused us to gently pull apart and C.C to wipe his eyes.

“Oh! Hey, you two alright?” Jake entered the living room and jumped when he saw us sitting there, clearly not expecting anyone else to be awake this early.

“Yeah” C.C smiled before pausing briefly as if contemplating something and then speaking up again. “Hey Jake, can I talk to you tomorrow about something?” he asked.

“Yeah, of course C” Jake smiled before saying goodnight and heading off towards the bathroom (presumably the reason he got up in the first place).

I beamed at C.C, I was proud of him.

“Feeling better now?” I whispered, just in case Jake could hear us from the bathroom.

“Yeah, definitely, thank you so much Ashley”

“Any time C.C, any time” I reached out and squeezed his shoulder before we both stood up and headed back towards the bunk area. We climbed into our opposite bunks and pulled the curtains shut, both grinning at each other once before they fully closed.

I hope everything all goes well for C.C, he deserves to be happy.

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