I'm Not Naïve

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I felt my body tense up and freeze as I scanned the three faces in front of me. A range of emotions suddenly washed over me and I felt like I was drowning in them. Drowning in the sadness, the disappointment, the anger, the betrayal. I reached out for Ashley’s hand; trying to grasp the safety boat to save me.

I would have liked to believe that if I pinched myself or shut my eyes tight they would have disappeared. I’m not that naïve though. After the various horrible things that I’ve experienced naïve is no longer a word that describes me; though it was undoubtedly said naivety that my childhood self possessed that got me into those situations.

I must admit, a year ago it didn’t even cross my mind that people from my past could re-appear; I just assumed that once they were gone they were gone for good.

How wrong I was.

My childish view on the situation led me to believe that people like Craig would never be a part of my life again. This view was of course shattered when he did actually make a re-appearance. At least now I know he’s not coming back; he’s locked away behind steel bars where he can no longer hurt me or anyone else.

Still, even if none of the new techs in front of me were Craig they were all linked pretty damn closely with him.

Jack, Zander and Christian.

The three other members of the band Craig and I used to belong to.

The three boys who I used to call my best friends.

The three people who sat by and watched as Craig grew more and more abusive and didn’t do anything about it.

The three guys who supposedly cared but who just sat back and watched me literally walk out of their lives and didn’t give a damn.

The three who would apparently do anything for me but who turned out to not give a shit as my life fell to pieces in front of their eyes.

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