You Stupid F*cking Whore

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No, no that did not just happen!

"I fucking knew it!" Ashley yelled, advancing on me with fire in his eyes. "You couldn't get to us through C.C so you tried Andy instead! You man whore! You fucking liar! And I genuinely believed that you liked him... I felt bad about hitting you! I don't anymore though, you fucking deserved it!"

I was about to open my mouth and defend myself, but Andy beat me to it.

"Wait, what you mean you hit him?!" Andy cried, only just learning about the one part of the story I'd left out. Ironically, I'd left it out so that Andy wouldn't get mad at Ashley for hitting me.

"He's trying to destroy the band, Andy! Can't you see that? He was supposedly oh so in love with C.C - which, if they got together, would be a situation that hurt the band - and now he's kissing you! Bit suspicious, don't you think? Especially since he wants you back in his band! And you, I suppose you're now gonna say you didn't know that Andy and I are together, aren't you, Chris?" He said, turning to me for the last part. I shook my head rapidly. While I was unaware about C.C and Jake being in a relationship, I knew about Andy and Ashley; I saw them kissing the other day when they thought no one was around. I was though. 

"No, I knew you guys are together!" I protested, only to have Ashley growl at me.

"So you admit it then!" he cried back.

"Excuse me, you ignored my point, Ashley! What do you mean you hit Chris?!" Andy interjected, standing by my side. Ashley looked between the two of us and made yet another assumption.

"Oh, of course you'd take his side, wouldn't you, Andy? I hardly saw you pushing him off! And yes, I punched him, he was flirting with C and it was hurting Jake!" Ashley yelled venomously, turning on Andy this time.

"He wasn't trying to hurt Jake! You made the assumption that he knew and acted before you knew the truth! Also, what the hell do you mean by 'of course I'd take his side'?" Andy shouted back.

Oh fuck! Because of a stupid accident, everything Ashley said is coming true. Andy and Ashley are fighting and it's all my fight because I’m so damn clumsy!

As Andy and Ashley argued - their voices raised and their words harsh - I felt tears travel down my cheeks. This wasn't meant to happen, this was so messed up!

I like C.C but now whenever I think of him, all I'm reminded about is the hurt that I felt when I found out about him and Jake. Then, of course, I just had to go and accidentally kiss Andy and now Ashley hates me and so will the Andy and everyone if the band breaks up because I made them all fight!

By now, I was practically forgotten as two boys argued about their relationship. At some point during their argument, the bus door opened and Zander climbed on, asking what the hell all the noise was about. He stopped and studied the two band members yelling - who had both failed to notice him - before turning his focus to me. As soon as he saw that I was crying, he rushed over to my side.

"Chris, what the hell is going on?" He asked desperately, clutching the tops of my arms gently and gazing down at me. Feeling no will power to explain while everyone was still fighting around me, I collapsed sobbing into my best friend's arms.

Before I could say anything in defence of myself or Andy while Ashley ranted about Andy being unfaithful, Zander took me off the bus. Unable to do anything except cry at this point because I felt like everything was collapsing around me, I let him. Hopefully, Andy would be able to explain that it was an accident before things got even more out of hand. Right now though, I had no idea what was going to happen...

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