We Need To Talk

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As always the crowd were electric. They were like sparks of energy colliding off each other creating a massive crowd of electricity that lit up the Fairplex. They definitely ranked high among our best crowds; their screams were testimony as to how much they were getting into the music and getting lost in the sound.

Thankfully, once I was on stage again all thoughts of my previous band mates disappeared and left instead the warm, buzzing feeling that performing gaze me. As a band we made no mistakes on stage that night. We performed the show to our full out maximum and the audience noticed and thrived on it. It was if they sang out my lyrics just a little bit louder, moshed that bit harder to Jake and Jinxx’s guitar solos, cheered that little bit wilder when Ashley blew kisses to the crowd and waved a little bit more frantically when C.C produced a camera mid set and took a photo of the audience. Everyone was living and breathing what we were creating on stage and what our fans were creating around us. It was simply amazing.

As we ended our set to thunderous cheering, I made sure to thank the Warped tour people like I’d wanted to and then thanked everyone for watching us and supporting us. With that and a wave to the audience we all exited the stage and headed to our area for a bit to get a drink before we did meet and greet with fans – something I’d always loved.

“That was seriously sick! That’s gotta be one of our best shows we’ve ever done!” Jake exclaimed as he flopped down into a chair; his hands now free of his guitar as one of our roadies retrieved it from him and took it to the bus as we made our way here.

“No doubt about it” I agreed before gulping down a good ¾ of a bottle of cold water. “The fans were going crazy!”

“Hell yeah!” C.C leant over the arm of the chair to kissed Jake before tucking his sticks away into his bag and swapping it for a black sharpie. “Ready to meet some of them?”

“Yup! Then after I can go see Sammi!” Jinxx cheered.

“You’ve only been apart for a couple of hours, dude…” Ashley chuckled before looking at me. Despite laughing at Jinxx’s Sammi craving I knew that both Ashley and me missed each other while we were performing. Of course, we were actually on stage together but when you’re throwing all your effort into performing you can’t spend that much time interacting with each other in a personal way. There was a few times where we had a couple of seconds to interact together but all we could’ve done in that time frame was kiss. And Ashley didn’t want that on stage…

Pleased that we could be together properly now, (even if it was only for a few minutes) I pulled Ashley into my arms and felt him nuzzle his face into my neck before gently nipping at the skin his soft lips came into contact with. My arms slid tightly around his waist as he moved up to my mouth and we shared a deep kiss. His tongue slid along my lip asking for entrance causing me to hesitate. We had fans to see in a minute, we couldn’t get into this now. Displeased with my refusal to part my lips Ashley took matters into his own hands. Literally.

I gasped and involuntarily gave Ashley what he wanted when I felt hands push against my ass, closing the small gap between our bodies. His tongue explored my mouth as his hands roamed my lower back, ass and the top of my thighs. His touch left me gripping at his exposed hips, probably leaving tiny nail marks.

It’s his own fault. I know he owns at least one shirt, it was his choice not to wear one.

Too soon for my liking I was separated from Ashley by someone pulling me backwards by my jacket.

“Dude, meet and greet! Jesus, I fake coughed like three times, I thought you would have got the message!” Jinxx huffed, while Ashley and I just grinned at each other with flushed faces. His eyes

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