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The morning came too soon for my liking and after what only felt like a few minutes of sleep I found myself being nudged awake by Andy, who looked as bright and perky as ever.

“Come on, Ashley! Wakey wakey!” he cooed into my ear.

“Gowayfivmourmintspaysheceishiskeyyndy” I mumbled into my pillow, not caring that my words probably came out as a string of unintelligible nonsense.

“What did you say?” the blue eyed man asked, pressing himself against my side so that his ear was practically touching my mouth. I propped myself up with my arm slightly and blinked my eyes open.

“I said ‘go away, five more minutes. Patience is key, Andy’” I repeated, smiling lazily at him as my eyes focused on his cute little nose just centimetres away from my face.

“Ah, well you can’t have five more minutes. And before you ask why it’s because I said so. Also, C.C is looking for you and I’m pretty sure he’s on the edge of imploding and dying so yeah if I don’t wake you up he’ll probably kill me” he concluded.

“Why didn’t C.C just wake me up?” Andy chuckled.

“Because he was scared that if he woke the princess up from her nap he would be killed”. I pouted at him for lack of better response.

“Don’t pout baby. Besides, Jinxx and Sammi made breakfast and I smell bacon so move your ass before Jake and C.C eat it all” he started to nudge me gently towards the curtain with his hand when I didn’t start moving immediately. Reluctantly, I climbed down from the bunk in my black pyjama bottoms and Hello Kitty top and headed towards the kitchen where the promised bacon was.

I walked in to a chorus of ‘good morning’s from C.C, Jake and Sammi and a ‘well look who’s finally awake!’ from Jinxx.

“Good morning’s to you” I smiled at C.C, Jake and Sammi, “and a ‘fuck you’ for you” I said cheerfully to Jinxx.

“Be nice or I won’t give you bacon!” he threatened jokingly, turning over the stuff frying in the pan he was holding with a spatula.

“You wouldn’t dare deprive me of such wonderful food! And also, I am being nice. My second act of niceness will be to give you the honour of making me coffee” I said as I flopped down into one of the available seats.

“Yeah, you can piss off” he laughed. “Actually, since Sammi and I made breakfast can you and C.C make us all coffee?” he asked over his shoulder, trying not to let his eyes stray from the pan for too long. After all, Jinxx is actually a pretty good cook but safety isn’t really his forte. I could bring up numerous minor kitchen fire incidents including the boiled egg story, which I tell to as many people as I can just to embarrass Jinxx. Seriously, who would’ve though egg yolk could be so slippery…

“Yeah sure, where has C.C gone by the way?” I asked when I looked around the small area and noticed him no longer around.

“I sent him to see where the ketchup bottle went; I’m pretty sure the last place we had it was in the lounge last night when we were eating takeout” Sammi piped in with a smile as she reached for some plates in one of the cupboards overhead.

“Awesome, thanks” I smiled before moving down the bus towards the lounge where I came across C.C sitting in the sofa, fiddling with a ketchup bottle in his hands. He looked up as I entered and beckoned me over when he saw it was me.

“Morning C. You alright? Andy said you were looking for me earlier” I said, taking a seat next to him.

“Yeah, I just wanted your advice on something. I’m going to talk to Jake today about you-know and I was wondering whether I should do it earlier in the day or tonight after the show. What do you think?”

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