I Let My Anger Take Control

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When I was storming up to Chris, he was facing the opposite direction to the one I was coming from, hence he wasn't expecting it when I grabbed his arm and spun him around to face me. The cigarette he was holding between two fingers ended up dropped to the ground and crushed under my cowboy boot.

"Hey, Ashley, um, what's up?" He asked with a nervous chuckle; I hadn't released my tight grip on his upper arm and I was probably hurting him, not that I cared.

"I'd answer, but you're the one who has explaining to do. What the fuck do you think you're doing with CC?" I growled, seeing the fear sparking in his eyes.

"What do you mean?!" He cried, trying to wiggle out of my grip.

"Flirting with him! You have a lot of nerve to do that!"

"Wh-what?" Displeased with the lack of response I was getting I shoved him to the ground. Who did he think he is?

"We all know what you were doing! Don't play the dumb card!" I yelled at him, getting madder by the minute.

"Okay! So I like him! What's the problem with me liking someone?!" He yelled back, scrambling to his feet.

"What's wrong with it?! I'll tell you what's wrong! What's wrong is the fact that you are trying to get with CC, Jakes's boyfriend! I know you want Andy back in the band, but trying to make CC fall for you so that our band will be destroyed in order to get that? That's sick and low! And I won't let you ruin Jake and CC's relationship or our band! So you can leave him the hell alone!"

I was angry now, and articulating the thoughts that were revolving around in my head just made me angrier. Who dare he try and toy with CC an Jakes's relationship!

"What!?" He choked out, sounding slightly broken.

Probably because I worked out his intentions, and he knows I'm going to make him pay.

I didn't reply, I just raised my fist and whacked him around my jaw.

Nobody messes with my friends!

He yelped in pain and his hand flew to his jaw.

"CC has a boyfriend?!" He cried out, tears shining in his eyes.

"Yes! Don't pretend you didn't know that!" I growled at him, annoyed that he was still playing the ignorance game.

"But I didn't! And considering how much time I spend around your staff, surely I would have heard if it was common knowledge! How was I supposed to know!" He didn't just sound a little hurt anymore, he sounded full on broken.

what, he didn't?... Oh my fucking God, of course! They're relationship is a secret, just like mine and Andy's, of course he didn't know! So he wasn't trying to wreck the band, he genuinely liked C.C... Oh my God and I just punched him in the face and told him the guy he clearly liked was in love with someone else... Shit.

I looked over at the red haired boy and saw that tears were rolling down his face, mixing in with eyeliner to create charcoaly streaks down his cheeks.

Suddenly I felt like the worst human being in the world. I misread the situation and was too hasty to act and now I'd ended up hurting someone just because they had a crush.

"Shit, Chris, I'm so sorry!" I started and tried to pull him ito a hug. As soon as my arms made contact with him though, he started to sob harder and struggle in my grasp.

"Let go of me!" He yelled out, choking on his words.

"Chris look at me! I'm sorry, I, I wasn't thinking! I thought you were trying to wreck our band, I didn't know you genuinely liked him! I'm so sorry!" Somewhere in amongst me apologising profusely, he stopped fighting against my arms and just fell against my chest, crying into my shirt.

I tried to comfort him but it didn't seem to be working that well, and if the guilt of causing him to cry wasn't enough, then seeing that a bruise was forming on his jaw definitely made me feel like shit.

Of course, I still didn't trust Chris and the other two techs fully, so as I was comforting him, paranoid thoughts were running through my head.

What if now - because I hurt him - he actually does try and destroy our band as revenge? Either that or he might try and play the sympathy card with Andy to try and convince him to go back to him. This needs to end, before it gets anymore complicated than it is already is. Andy needs to tell them no and get it over with. That can wait for at least a little bit though; right now I need to focus on fixing the mess I just caused. I may not necessarily be friends with the guy, but I have enough morals to make amends when I am clearly in the wrong.

"I didn't know, Ashley, I didn't! He didn't push me away, I thought there was a chance he might like me back! I wasn't trying to wreck your band, I swear!" He choked out, voice muffled against my shirt.

"Sshh, it's okay, I'm sorry" I cooed, rubbing his back slightly awkwardly.

Do I believe my own words though? Is it okay? Once we get the situation straight it'll be okay, it has to be. We'll go back to normal, and we won't have to worry about broken hearts or people leaving.

I made myself hang on to that thought as I comforted Chris; I just couldn't wait for this whole fucked up situation to just be sorted out.

The Most Unexpected Faces (Black Veil Brides)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon