Swear I'll Forgive You

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When I woke up in the morning, I was still as alone as I was when I finally got to sleep last night. I was awake worrying about where Ashley had got to, when I suddenly heard the bus door open. As soon as the man in question stepped into the bunk area, I could smell that he had been to a bar. That stung a little, during our relationship Ashley's had issues with alcohol a couple of times. Nothing too serious but enough that he promised he would majorly cut down on the drinking. He told me he saw how much it hurt me when he came home drunk and didn't want to be the one to cause me pain. Yet, he suddenly disappears after the show and comes back smelling like a bar without so much as a text or explanation. None of that pained me as much as when he went and slept in his own bunk though.

Am I the problem? Was it me who made him go to a bar? Why would he though he though, he has no reason to.

I fell into restless sleep eventually, the exhaustion taking over my body.




The next morning, I awoke to the sounds of someone shifting and shuffling in the bunk above me.

That’s odd, there aren’t any bunks above Andy’s and mine… oh…

Last night came rushing back to me rather unpleasantly and I remembered that the person in the bunk above this one was in fact Andy. At some time today, I was going to have to talk to him; I saw no point in delaying it. I gently pulled the curtain on my bunk back and saw Andy’s long legs dangling in my view. He dropped to the floor with reasonable grace considering it was early and he’d just woken up.

Though he tried to do it discreetly, I still noticed when he shot me a glance as he walked up the bunk aisle.

I just wanted to get it over and done with; I couldn’t stand going the whole day wondering if Andy’s going to suddenly turn around and leave us, especially not when we have a show tonight.

“Andy” usually in the mornings, I greet him with a pet name and a kiss. Today though, all I could manage was his name. I’m pretty sure he noticed as well, oh well, I wasn’t about to start feeling sorry for him.

“Yeah, Ash?” he asked cautiously.

“Andy… what do we mean to you? What do I mean to you?” I watched as his expression changed in rapid succession before settling on confused.

“What do you mean, Ash? What sort of question is that?!”

“Let me rephrase, are we important to you?” It was almost difficult to look Andy in the eyes as I said it. Pure hurt shone in his bright blue eyes as he stared at me in disbelief.

“I have no idea why you’d ask me such an absurd question, Ashley! You all mean the world to me! I would follow you to hell and back, Ash! You’re the most important person in the world to me. The guys come in at a close second! You guys are my everything!” he told me, gesturing as he did.

“If we mean that much to you, then why were you talking about re-forming with your old band?” The question definitely shocked him if the way his jaw dropped slightly was anything to go by.

“How did you-” he started before I decided to finish for him.

“know? You weren’t very discreet. I overheard you talking with them yesterday night, after our show”
I saw his eyes fill with tears and flood with panic. Usually, this would have made me run forward, comfort and hold him. At the time though, I was hurting as well. I stayed put.

“Oh, Ashy! Please let me explain!” he begged, using one of his pet names for me.

“That was what I was hoping you’d do…” I replied, bitterness colouring my voice.

“Right, okay, first thing I want to make clear is that when they proposed a reformation, I didn’t say yes! I know that I didn’t say no immediately either but that would have been my decision! I guess that I was shocked, you know? After not seeing them for so long they come back into my life, practically begging me to forgive them. I guess that the way they seemed to want me in their lives so bad clouded my head a bit. I didn’t want to just say no in case they just turned around and left me. I couldn’t let them just walk out of my life before I had a chance to talk to them properly about it!

Point is, I could never leave you guys. You saved me, you made me feel worth something!

They may be a part of my life but you’re the ones who make it worth living.

I hear the music with them but I feel the music with you guys.

Now that they’re in my life, it’s like I’m more complete. I’m still hollow though, until I come home to you that is. You make me whole.

They offered me a part in a band but you offer me so much more. With you guys, it isn’t just a band. It’s a family.”

He paused briefly to take a shaky breath and wipe at the tears that that were spilling over onto his cheeks.

“I could never leave you, Ash. You’re like my other half. Even if I walked away you would always be a part of my life. And you know what? I told myself I would never fall in love again after Craig. You’re the one and only exception to that rule and that’s never going to change. I love you, Ashley. So, so much.”

He finished talking and just looked down at the floor, small sobs escaping his body now.

I wanted to be angry, tell him he should have automatically told them no. I couldn’t do that though. I practically ran forward towards him and wrapped my arms tight around his small waist.

“Andy, please don’t cry! It’s okay! I understand. And… I don’t mind you hanging out with them, baby. As long as it’s me you come home to and our band you play with on stage, I’m not angry at you. Not at all.”


The rest of the day we acted almost carefully around each other, like we were afraid an argument was about to erupt.

It didn’t though, and thankfully we were comfortable and relaxed around each other again by the time the show rolled around.

Our energy was slightly different that show, not in a bad way though. It was like we’d both just realised how much it meant to be in this band together. It was like we couldn’t really believe it. On the way back to the bus after the show, we linked our fingers and walked hand in hand.

Once we were happily aboard the bus together and had said goodnight to the other guys, I started to make my way towards the bunks. Before I could get there though, I felt someone pull on my hand.

Confused, I followed Andy as he led me towards the back room on the bus – the only area with a lock besides the bathroom.

“What’s going on?” I asked when he slid the lock across and secured the door before walking purposefully over to me.

He put his hands firmly on my waist and started kissing me passionately, making my mouth open slightly in surprise. He used the opportunity to slip his tongue inside my mouth and started off our usual battle for dominance.

Too soon for my liking, he pulled away slightly before tilting his head down slightly so he could whisper in my ear.

“Ashy… Ashy baby… I’m ready…” he murmured seductively, knowing how effective his deep voice is on me.

Wait, does he mean ready as in? Oh…

I felt the smile grow on my face but before I made any move to continue, I wanted to make sure I was understanding him right.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, baby. I’m going to show you just how important you are to me”.

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