Hey There, Sexy Ladies!

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“Hello there, sexy ladies!” Ashley cheered as we got on board the bus.

Jake chuckled as he pulled Ashley into a hug, “actually, there’s only one here so it’s lady- singular. And I’m pretty sure Jinxx doesn’t want you thinking of his girlfriend like that” Jake smiled playfully.

“Wait, what?” Ashley asked, voicing both of our confusion.

“Sammi, she’s in the bathroom” he smiled.

“Aw, Jinxx asked her to come with us? That’s so sweet!” Ashley cooed.

Jinxx and Sammi became the newest couple in the group about 6 months ago when Jinxx finally decided to pluck up the courage to ask Sammi out. They'd practically been a couple before but not officially. We all acted mock offended when he posted a tweet about it and told the world just before he told us but really we were all so pleased for him, they're really good together.

“Yeah, yeah” Jinxx laughed from the across the bus, blushing lightly.

“Good for you mate! I didn’t know. I was referring to you guys when I said ladies” Ashley grinned.

“Thanks for that, Ash!” C.C called from somewhere further back on the bus.

I laughed and moved over to the sofa in the reasonable sized living area where Jinxx was sitting.

“Hey Jinxx!”

“Andy!” Jinxx cheered and jumped up from his seat to wrap me in a hug. I hadn’t seen him in a couple of days, he was staying over at Sammi’s for an “adult sleepover”.

“Hey there, Andley!” C.C bounced into the room. He always called us by our fan-given ship name when he saw us together.

After we exchanged hugs and hellos we had a little beer toast to the tour and settled down on the couches. Ashley grabbed my hands lightly and pulled me into his lap causing a chorus of ‘aw!’s to come from the guys.

I nuzzled my nose into the crook of his neck and lightly kissed his exposed skin. His hands skimmed over my arms and slid down my back until they came to rest on my hips, holding me in place on his lap. Then

I gently bit his soft skin, knowing full well that it would drive him crazy. Of course, it did, and to my delight and his embarrassment he let out a small moan. It was quiet but all of the guys still heard it.

“Ah, really guys? Here?” Jake called at us.

“Leave ‘em alone Jake! Besides, I’m sure it won’t be long before one of us is telling you and C.C that!”

Sammi laughed, that’s one of the things I like about her, she’s always making everyone laugh.

The rest of us chuckled and Jake and C.C’s cheeks flushed red. I can’t believe they still aren’t together! It’s getting kind of ridiculous, they so obviously like each other! I’ll have to talk to Jake later, I would talk to C but out of the two of them Jake is more likely to make a move. When it comes to stuff like this C.C is surprisingly shy.

Choosing to ignore the guys I went back to kissing Ashley, moving along his jaw this time. I purposely pushed myself down and rolled my hips against him, knowing that he was enjoying this. I felt his fingernails dig into my sides as I did, probably making little indents.

I’d gotten a lot more confident doing this sort of stuff over the last couple of months, I felt okay to actually do stuff with him now. Of course, there were things I still some things which I wasn’t quite ready to do yet. Yeah, I know, it sounds kind of pathetic to be with someone for over a year and still not be ready to go all the way but it’s hard for me.

When Craig tried to rape me those years ago I was only 16. I hadn’t even thought of that sort of stuff yet then suddenly I didn’t have a choice. It was only pure luck that Jack (the drummer of our band at the time) walked in before he could fully yank my jeans off.

That really messed me up. Craig messed me up.

I never did anything with Kier when we were together except hand jobs, Ashley knows this. Stuff like that I’m fine with now, mainly because Ashley was so loving and careful to make sure that I was ready. It’s just that one thing though, hopefully I’ll get over it in time.

I pushed those dark memories to the back of my mind, tour is a happy thing! I shouldn’t make myself upset over Craig, he’s hurt me enough already.

I was snapped out of my train of thought by Ashley clicking his fingers in my face.

“Hey, you there, baby?” He smiled.

“What? Oh yeah, sorry, I phased out a little”

“Aw, you’re so cute!” Ashley exclaimed and kissed me, saving himself from an ‘I’m not cute!’ speech from me. Seriously, if he’s going to compliment me could he at least use manlier words?

I smiled into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck again.

“Seriously guys! Get a room!” C.C shouted and chuckled.

“We have a room, but you all happen to share it with us and unless you want to run the risk of walking in on something later…” I smirked at Ashley’s response and C.C’s ‘oh-dear-God-no!’ face.

“Speaking of sleeping arrangements, have you guys sorted out who gets which bunk yet?” Sammi asked.

Me, Ash and the guys all stared at each other before launching out of our seats and running down the bus.

“I get the top bunk!” A couple of voices shouted.

“Nuh-uh motherfuckers! I want a top one! I’m the tallest and i’ll bang my head in one of the lower ones!”

I called out and as expected I was ignored.

Sammi just shook her head to herself.

“Why did I bring that up?”

The Most Unexpected Faces (Black Veil Brides)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя