I Think We're Starting To Find Solutions

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“Think – Big gestures…” I murmured, Chris’s hand clutched in my mine under the café table.

“You want to prove to the world you love him? Yes?” Chris spoke up, picking up a cookie from the plate on the table and starting to nibble on the corner of it.

“Of course” Andy nodded, wringing his hands on the table and picking at the cheap table cloth, stress positively oozing out of him.

“Well, think about it. He’s worried that you’re going to leave him for someone else and that you don’t love him, right? So to prove that you love him and only him, you have to prove that you’re not available to or want anyone else. The current problem is that the world think’s you’re both single and are available. So, combine the two points and show the world you’re not available because you love only him!” Chris’s voice got stronger and surer of self as he talked, before he was practically vibrating in his seat with excitement as he said the last sentence. “The question is, when and where?” he concluded, finishing off the cookie and licking crumbs off the tips of his fingers with a smile.

I couldn’t help but grin at my boyfriend; that was a great idea!

“That’s my logical boy!” A blush dusted his cheeks that matched the colour of his scarlet hair as I kissed the corner of his mouth that caused Andy to giggle.

“You guys are cute” he cooed, taking a cookie for himself, leaving only one more on the tray. “We should get more cookies, by the way, these are so good!”

While I ordered us some more of those big, chewy chocolate chip cookies, Chris and Andy discussed how they could reveal to the world that Andy is in love with Ashley; as another hot plate of them arrived, I re-joined the discussion.

“So, various options we have are social networks like twitter, my YouTube channel, our website, on stage, in an interview, doing something the media would notice and anything like that. So, let’s get discussing!”

Chris and I nodded in agreement, we knew this wasn’t going to be a quick discussion, but we needed a plan.

If that was what it took, then that was what we were going to do.




After a morning coffee discussion with Sammi – which was pleasant, because we just talked about music and didn’t even mention relationships – I was left alone on the bus.

Or, so I thought.

I’d curled up on the couch with a mug of coffee and a piece of toast. I knew Andy would not be happy if he realised I’d been eating his Skippy’s peanut butter, but he didn’t have to know; honestly, I didn’t really care either, just thinking about Andy was pissing me off right now.

When a blue haired boy popped his head around the door though, I realised I was mistaken.

Out of Zander, Chris and Jack, Jack was the only one I sort of liked at this point.

He’d not angered me like Zander and Chris had, he was just sort of, there; not to mention he was actually a good tech and got things done when needed.

Out of the three, he was the only one that I didn’t have an urge to frown at on sight.

“Hey, Jack” I greeted casually, giving him a lazy wave as he wandered into the front of the bus. “What’s up?”

“Um, do you have the schedules for the next few days? The bus call times are slightly different than normal” he sounded almost shy and looked slightly uncomfortable, like he was a bit scared to be around me.

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