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So I'm done not updating sorry I just needed a break from writing. But that break is over now and so here is a new chapter, also read the bolded at the end it's important and I want you guys to help with the decision! Thx here is chapter 35....

Zeke's POV.

"I love you" kiss "so beautiful" groan "God tris" moan, is what I hear when I come into fours apartment what is he doing! I mean there is the first thing that comes to mind but I saw tris walking in the pit three minutes ago and she was going the other way so she can't be in there!

"Bro! Four you in here?" I yell I mean yes I know he is in here but it's weird that I'm here to and he's well doing him self but whatever, he comes out of his room not making eye contact with me, I wouldn't either if someone walked in on me

"So let's get this over with I know what you where doing and let's never talk about it again ok? Ok." I tell his bluntly

"Gotcha." He awkwardly says "so why are you even here man?"

"Right dude we found tori!" It's so big that we found her "she's in room 679 right now we gotta go now" his eyes light up and he nods

"I'm gonna just leave a note for tris, then we go."

"Okay man."

---------------Tris's POV.------------------

"Baby we can't right now I have to get to work!" I tell Tobias giggling slightly as his fingertips slid up and down my bare sides under my shirt

"Come on can't you be a little late?" He asks kissing my shoulder

"No, and you know that!" I tell his getting up and giving him a quick kiss on the lips before walking to the door "I love you baby, bye!!"

"Love you too babe!!" I shut the door smiling.

Once I'm half way through the pit someone yells my name I spin around only to come in contact with a hard chest....

"Hey Tris sorry for running into you! Just haven't see you in so long!!" It was zeke and it's true I hadn't see my friends in a long time ok so that needs to change

"Hi zeke, it's ok." I tell him "but I have to go to work so see you around okay? Bye!"

"Byyyyyye!" He yells gaining a few stares from random people I just shrug whatever

------------------time skip-----------------

Tobias's POV.

Tris just left she's such a tease but I love her so much so I don't really care, well u care but... You get the point. So I did what I had to do but zeke had to walk in at the moment crating a very weird and awkward walk to room 679.

-----------------in room 679---------------

"I'm not telling you anything!" It's been two hours and tori hasn't said anything all I want to do is be with tris have her in my arms right now but no tori has to ruin that so to say I'm mad would be an understatement

"God tori!" I yell slamming my hand on the table "you know what..." I start then something comes to my head an idea what does she care the most about or who... Tris she became tris's friend and someone she can look up to I have to go get tris! "I will be back tori." Is all I say before slamming the door shut

"Sir I need permission to bring someone in?" I ask my boss witch was just zeke but I though I would humor him just thins once he wants everyone to call him sir but no one does

"Yes I knew that would catch on, who are you bringing in?"


"What?! Why!?"

"Because they know each other tori was tris's friend tori trusts tris so I think it might work tris can make her talk, I know she can."

"Hmm fine four, you better be right bro!" He yells after me, I know u will be. I dodge people on my way to our apartment. Once I'm finally there I step in looking around for tris, she's in the kitchen with her back turned to me

"Baby I need you!" I say maybe to loud because she jumps a little before turning around looking at me, I give her a sheepish smile

"You scared me." She's so calm I love that about her with all the stupid stuff I do she almost never gets mad God I love her so much she's so perfect

"So what do you need or are you just gonna keep staring at me?"

"Sorry babe, um well we found tori an-"

"Oh my god wait you found her! Can I see her? Has she said anything helpful yet? Oh my god, oh my g-" I cut her off by stepping forward and lightly kissing her lips

"Calm down baby, that's why I came I need you to talk to her I think she will respond better to you then to be yelling at her." I smile slightly when she looks down at her feet blushing i take this opportunity to kiss her forehead gently

"Ok what room?" Her voice is soft but I can tell she is nervous about seeing Tori


"Let's go, and baby I love you" I smile at her words

"Love you babe."

So that was almost 1,000 words yay this chapter is the longest one ever that makes me so happy!

I want to know how long you want this book to be I really don't know but I am going to finish it soon maybe make a sequel but I don't know yet if you could help me with that, that would be awesome like just say a number of chapters like 65 or whatever or 42 i don't really know.
Thank you all I love you guys Comment, vote, and read.

P.S omg I just made this over 1,000 words yaaaaaaay sorry ok bye for now!
1017 words! Ahh!

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