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**********visiting day**********

Today is visiting day all parents of the new members of each faction get to come see their kids most parents don't come because their mad that their kid didn't pick their old faction, which I believe is going to be my case my parents are not going to come... I just know it.

"What's wrong with you tris we get to pick our jobs tomorrow and today is visiting day so you might see your parents! Why are you not happy?" Christina asks me
"Just thinking that's all" I say even though I know and she know that's not all that is making me upset. Chris gives me a unsatisfied look, meaning I have to tell her later, she starts talking about some random thing and I go back to my thoughts.

It's time for people to start showing up now Chris drags me to the pit where every one is. I am standing next to the chasm looking at the spray of the water agents the rocks
"Tris?" says a girl she sounds so familiar... wait! I tern my head not knowing what I am going to see
"Oh my god Elena!!" I say completely surprised I bring her into a tight hug she hugs me back almost as tight
"What are you doing here only members can be here!" I say sternly
"Tris I'm 14 I can do what I want" Elena says wow she got sassy sense the last time I saw her, which was only three weeks ago right before I chose my faction!
"Ok little sis whatever you say. now what are you doing here"
"I wanted to see you, and Uriah was getting annoying." I laugh a little
"You mean like always!?" at that we both laugh
"I heard you got first" she says
"Yea!" I reply
"Wow my big sister first in her class... cool I gtg brag to everyone now! bye tris!" Elena says as she runs away I chuckle a little, shes so dauntless I know she will pick it when it's her tern to.

I want to thank Fourtris_shipper123 because she gave me the idea for the chapter well kinda... Anyways comment, vote,and read!

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