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Today is the first day of training I'm kinda nervous I don't know what to expect other than what I have been tout.
Chris and I are two of the first people to walk in, currently its only four, will, chris, and I. As is on Q Chris goes running over to will meaning I'm left alone with four... I guess it's a good thing, maybe I should go talk to him.
"Hi..." I say
"Hi." four replies bitterly like I did something wrong why dose he always talk to me like that?
"So... nice weather we are having don't you think?" I state awkwardly, weather really tris nice move! four is now looking at me with no emotion on his face at least one I can't read
"Why do you want to talk to me so bad?" well that took me by surprise
"Uh um... I don't know maybe it's because your so approachable." I reply calmly he just looks at me without the slightest bit of emotion
"Careful" then he just walks away, what's with him agh!

"TODAY WE ARE GOING TO BE WORKING ON HAND TO HAND COMBAT!" four yells getting everyones attention
" YOU WILL BE FIGHTING SOMEONE BY THE END OF THIS WEEK SO YOU HAD BETTER PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT I AM ABOUT TO TEACH YOU!" When he is teaching us how to fight his grace wail he's doing it reminds me of when we first met, his foot work looked like he had been fighting and seeing this today proves something but I'm not sure what... yet.

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