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I feel two strong arms rap around my waist I have a idea who it's is but just to make sure I tern to see... four he's smiling and seems kinda nervous but why?
"I need to show you something" four says oh no he's going to break up with me or something bad happened
"No it's nothing like that! I just need to show you something" I look at him confused
"You said that out loud," he says answering my question
"Oh" I reply simply "So where are we going?"
"You'll see just wait."
"Uh, I'm not very good at that!" I say we laugh a little because its so true! he guides me up a lot of stairs and through doors I don't think I'm aloud in.

"Ok tris we're here" four announced once we get into a really old looking room, that kinda reminds me of the aptitude room!
"Four what are we doing here?" I ask my voice must be shaky because he comes over to me rapping his arms around me and says
"Don't worry I just want to show you my fear landscape."
"What's that?" I ask I've heard of it but I think they stopped doing them the year I came
"Well a fear landscape is all your fears in one place, and I want to show you mine." four answers
"Wait four, why don't I have a fear landscape?" I ask
"Two things, one, they stopped when you came because last year a boy died because he got so scared! two, don't call me four." I'm confused and scared why would four (or whatever he wants me to call him) want me to go into something that someone died in?
"I get it's scary that someone died in here but he didn't die in this one. This is my fear landscape and I want to share it with you." he tells me
"Ok fine" I say giving in
"Ok" he says happily yet he still seems nervous. We lay on a chair and four puts a liquid into us, it's like the aptitude stuff (taste terrible).

"All right we have to jump!" four says
"Ok you ready? on three" I ask
Then we jump I feel so free jumping the wind all around me it's amazing

Tight spaces
We are in a small box I'm not sure what's going to happen then the walls start to move in on all sides
"What do I do?" I ask
"Stop the walls!" he replies there is nails on the ground I try to push them under the moving walls it seems to be working
"Are you almost done?" four asks
"One second." I tell him
"Ok I'm just enjoin myself in a shrinking box!" four whispers to him self.
"Ok you know what this isn't working! come here." I say giving up on the nails
"What?" four asks
"Just come here." I says my arms out stretched he does as I say, so now we are very close
"Just clam down. alright?" I says soothingly
"Ok" he takes a deep breath and the walls are gone.

Shouting a innocent
A girl comes in front of us she's pretty but I don't know her
"Who is she?" I question
"An innocent" he replies grimly "I can't shoot her without looking away." he pulls the trigger turning his head I can't pull my eyes away though, her body slumps to the ground lifeless.

Once again the sene changes, but it's not what I expected we are in a abnegation house, Marcus appears with a belt in hand...
"The last fear is the one that sits in the back of your mind, or your worst fear!" four tells me
"Wait..." as I start to think about it Marcus had a son, people said that Marcus beat his son but I never thought it was true tell now!
"Tobias... this is for your own good" Marcus says then takes the belt and brings it down aiming at fo-Tobias I think? next thing I feel a stinging on my arm I had gotten in front of fo-Tobias and the belt had it me instead. Tobias punches Marcus and the room changes back to the fear landscape room meaning it's over.

"Tobias?" I test he smiles a little

Sorry for not updating in so long I've been busy! but here's an update and it's pretty long... so enjoy!!

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